Foto Dr. Kwaku Arhin-Sam

Dr. Kwaku Arhin-Sam

Leiter | Friedensau Institute for Evaluation
Dozent für International Social Sciences

Dr. Kwaku Arhin-Sam
M.A. B.Ed.
Leiter | Friedensau Institute for Evaluation
Dozent für International Social Sciences

An der Ihle 5
39291 Möckern-Friedensau

Raum: LÜP 307
Telefon: +49 (0) 3921-916-144
Fax: +49 (0) 3921-916-144


  • Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
  • Identität und Zugehörigkeit
  • Interventions-Wirkungsanalyse
  • Migration Governance
  • Rückkehr Migration
  • Migrationsökonomie
  • Analyse der öffentlichen Ordnung

Icon PlusEducation


PhD | Bremen International Graduate School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS), Jacobs University and University of Bremen, Germany
2016Certificate | Geographical Information Systems (GIS) & Remote Sensing, United Nations University, Legon, Ghana
2010-2013M.A | International Social Science, Friedensau Adventist University, Germany
2004–2008B.Ed. | Social Science, University of Cape Coast, Ghana

Icon PlusEmployment

Since 2016

Freelance Consultant for  Development Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Organizational Development (Project Monitoring and Evaluations, Social and Development Policy Analysis, Project Management, Capacity Building Trainings)
2019Researcher, West Africa Migration Governance (WAMIG), Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, Freiburg, Germany
2014Scientific Research Assistant, Department for Social Anthropology, University of Bayreuth, Germany
2013–2014Research Associate, Faculty of Social Science, Friedensau Adventist University, Germany
2009–2010Teaching/Administrative Assistant, Faculty of Arts, University of Cape Coast, Ghana

Icon PlusProfessional Engagements

Since 2018Founder (Non-executive Director), Centre for Return and i-Migration (CRIM), Valley  View University, Techiman Campus, Ghana
2017–2019Consultant, Friedensau International Admissions project, Friedensau Adventist University, Germany
2019External Consultant and Evaluator, Give them a Chance Project, Petit-Guave, Haiti for ADRA Switzerland and ADRA Haiti
2012aExternal Evaluation Consultant: ADRA International, Haiti, 2012 Network-funded Earthquake Response, ADRA International in Haiti
2012bProgramme Monitoring and Evaluation Consultant, ADRA Ghana, Ghana, 2012
2012cImpact assessment Consultant, ADRA Ghana Microfinance Program, Ghana
2011Project Monitoring consultant on Sinti and Roma Community Project for ADRA Germany, ADRA Ukraine.

Icon PlusSelected Publications

  • Books:
    Arhin-Sam, K. (2019). Return Migration, Reintegration and Sense of Belonging; The Case of Skilled Ghanaian Returnees. Baden-Baden; Germany; Nomos Publications.
  • Academic reports and Articles:
    Arhin-Sam, K. (2019). The Political Economy of Migration Governance in Nigeria. Freiburg: Arnold Bergstraesser Institute.Arhin-Sam, K. and F. Zanker. 2019. “Nigeria at a Crossroads: The Political Stakes of Migration Governance.” MEDAM Policy Brief No. 2019/4, IfW, Kiel.Arhin-Sam, K. (2013) Clients and Microfinance services: Views from bellow. Friedensau; Germany, AKEZ Working Papers, Vol. 2.
  • Technical reports
    Arhin-Sam, K., Daphline J. (2019). “Give Them A Chance Evaluation Report “ADRA Switzerland.
    Arhin-Sam, K. (2017). International Students Admission Processes in Friedensau and Germany ,Friedensau Adventist University, Germany
    Arhin-Sam, K. Ndikumana, S. (2012). The 2010 Haiti Earthquake and ADRA’s Relief projects Evaluation research report presented to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) -International, U.S. A
    Arhin-Sam, K. (2012) Review of ADRA-Ghana’s Microfinance Program. Research report presented to ADRA Ghana.

Icon PlusRelevant Research projects

Since 2019The Political Economy of Migration Governance in Nigeria (West Africa Migration Governance (WAMIG)), Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institut, Freiburg, Germany

This project assesses migration politics in Nigeria, where there is growing concern about the high levels of irregular migration and human trafficking. The research follows a holistic understanding of migration, encompassing diaspora migration, irregular migration, displaced people, Nigerian refugees and asylum seekers, refugees and asylum seekers from other countries in Nigeria and immigration (primarily from neighbouring Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) countries). It analyses these forms of migration on three levels – governance, political stakes and societal discourse.

Since 2018Social Remittances for Africa’s Development (with Dr. Mary Setrana, University of Ghana)

Remittances come in different forms, they may be financial, goods, social and political ideas. However, the increasing interest of African governments and policy makers on financial remittances has created lacuna in the remittances and development nexus. The significant but invisible role of transferred political and social ideas, skills and knowledge of skilled migrants to Africa’s development is critical.  Skilled migrants are returning to their countries of origin with expertise and acquired knowledge which has ripple effect on development. However, only a handful of programmes which are mostly internationally arranged programmes such as the Diaspora-Carnegie program, the German’s return experts and the IOM return programs coordinate such returns. African governments’ efforts to harness these opportunities have been inadequate and calls for attention. Using Ghana as a case, this study examines the rea-sons, knowledge, and values of skilled return migrants to Ghana and how they mobilise themselves for development of the home country as well as sustain their return.

2014–2018Return Migration, Reintegration and Sense of Belonging: the Case of Skilled Ghanaian, PhD Research Abstract (Abstract)

Icon PlusPresentations

  • Migration Governance and The Politics Of Shaming; Nigeria And Irregular Migration, at Governing Migration outside ‘Fortress Europe’ conference at University of Cambridge, 16–17 September 2019.
  • ‘Conceptualising Sense of Belonging’ paper presented at the third CEGRAD, UCC Summer School on the Engendered Politics of Place and Belonging Pempamsie Hotel, Cape Coast 16th – 27th July 2018.
  • ‘Return Migration and Qualitative Research’ paper presented at the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) Summer School on Good Work in Academia, Berlin, 28th May – 1st June, 2018.
  • ‘Interrogating Citizenship and Perceptions: Ghana’s Movers and Stayers Paradox’ paper presented at the International Migration Conference, Centre for Migration Studies, Legon, Ghana, 26th – 27th October 2017.
  • ‘Return Migration and Post-return Perceptions’ paper presented at African Studies Association of Africa (ASAA) Conference, Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana, 12th – 14th October 2017.
  • ‘Returnees and Land Conflicts in Ghana” paper presented at the second CEGRAD, UCC Summer School on Intersectional Perspectives on Pastoralism, Migration and Displacement, Cape Coast 24th July– 4th August 2017.
  • Panel on Land commodification, Land tenure and Gender in Africa at the 7th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS) 2017 with the theme: Urban Africa - Urban Africans: New encounters of the rural and the urban, Centre for African Studies Basel, Switzerland 29th June – 1st July, 2017. Panel Chair.
  • Curriculum review workshop for the M.A. in International Social Science, Theologische Hochschule Friendensau, Germany. Resource Person, 24th March –4th April 2017.
  • ‘Trajectories of Return: Returnees in The Eyes of Others’ paper presented at the German Sociological Congress under the section: Entwicklungssoziologie und Sozialanthropologie Offene Gesellschaften? Lebenswelten von Flüchtlingen im Globalen Süden, University of Bamberg, Germany, 27th – 29th September 2016.
  • Cape Coast Harmattan School on Re-Activating Gender-Sensitive Research on Land: Land Commoditization, Land Tenure and Gender in Africa, held at the Sasakawa Conference Centre, UCC, Cape Coast, Ghana, February to March 2016. Facilitator.
  • Summer School on Doing and Communicating Qualitative Research, participation and presentation of research methods, Kingston University London, United Kingdom, 4th – 8th July 2016; Participant.
  • ‘From Integration to Reintegration; A Conceptual Framing’ dissertation presentation at the Innovative Learning Week, Firbush Retreat for PhD Researchers, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 15th – 17th February 2016.
  •  ‘Conceptualizing Reintegration and Sense of Belonging; An Analytical Model for Return Migration’ paper presented at the International Conference on Labour Migration and Industrial Citizenship: Albanians on the Move – Citizenship, Identity and Development, University of New York Tirana, Albania, 23rd – 25th June 2015.

Icon PlusTeaching

Since 2013Adjunct lecturer, School of Social Sciences, Friedensau Adventist University

M.A Courses:

Development Economics

Social Research Methods

Migration and Refugee studies

Working Approaches in Humanitarian Aid

Science and Innovation management

Interdisciplinary Analysis of Development Cooperation

2017–2018 Winter semesterCo-Lecturer, University of Bremen, Germany

B.A. Course

Sociology in English

2017–2018 Winter semesterCo-Lecturer, Jacobs University Bremen, Germany

B.A. Course

Academic and Professional Skills, A University-wide Foundation Course

2008–2010Teaching Assistant

B.Ed/BCom Dstance education Course

Management Information Systems (MIS)

Icon PlusProfessional Memberships

Since 2017Member: African Studies Association of Africa
Since 2017Member: African Migration, Mobility, and Displacement (AMODI)
Since 2017Member: Africa-Europe Group for Interdisciplinary Studies (AEGIS)
Since 2017Co-Editor, AKEZ Working Papers