Prof. Daniel Bendix
Fachbereich Christliches Sozialwesen
Prof. Daniel Bendix
Ph.D. (University of Manchester, UK)
Professor für Development Studies
Fachbereich Christliches Sozialwesen
An der Ihle 5 A
D-39291 Möckern-Friedensau
Raum: LÜP 301
Telefon: +49 (0) 3921 916-203
Fax: +49 (0) 3921 916-203
2014–2019: | Post-doc researcher and lecturer at the Section Development and Postcolonial Studies, Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kassel, Germany |
2008–2012: | PhD at Institute for Development Policy and Management of the University of Manchester, United Kingdom (Thesis title: Colonial Power in Development – Tracing German Interventions in Population and Reproductive Health in Tanzania; supervisors: Uma Kothari and Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez) |
2006: | Diploma (equivalent to M.A.) in Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany |
2001–2006: | Diploma in Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany, and Université de Lausanne, Switzerland |
since March 2019: | Lecturer for Global Development, Friedensau Adventist University |
since 2008: | Freelance facilitator and consultant for education and development cooperation at glokal, German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ), German Development Service, Engagement Global, Oxfam Germany, United Evangelical Mission, and many other state institutions, faith-based organisations, and NGOs |
2014-2019: | Post-doc researcher and lecturer at the Section Development and Postcolonial Studies, Institute of Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Kassel, Germany |
2017: | Junior Fellow in the research group “Landnahme, Acceleration, Activation, dynamic(s) and (de-)stabilisation of modern growth societies”, Jena University, Germany |
2013-2014: | Researcher, educator, consultant, and administrator in the project “Postcolonial Perspectives on Practices of Development Cooperation in Germany” at glokal |
2007-2008: | Junior Researcher in the project on “Democratic Participation in Security Sector Reform”, funded by the German Foundation for Peace Research, Free University Berlin |
2007: | freelance campaigner at Oxfam Germany |
1999-2000: | Social Service at Streets Community Development, Cape Town, South Africa |
WiSe 2020/21: Academic Writing, Theories of Social Development, Science Colloquium, Internship Colloquium, Interkulturalität, Diversität und Rassismus
SoSe2021: Academic Writing, Internship Colloquium, International Peace and Conflict Studies, Global Public Health, Theories of Social Development
WiSe 2021/2022: Academic Writing, Land Use (Online und ISS), Theories of Social Development, Science Colloquium, Internship Colloquium
WiSe 2019/2020: Academic Writing, Land Use, Theories of Social Development, Science Colloquium, Internship Colloquium
SoSe 2020: Academic Writing, Rhetoric Skills, Science Colloquium, Internship Colloquium, International Peace and Conflict Studies, Global Public Health
WiSe 2020/21: Academic Writing, Theories of Social Development, Science Colloquium, Internship Colloquium, Interkulturalität, Diversität und Rassismus
WiSe 2018/2019: Seminar Sustainability
SoSe 2019: Academic Writing, Peace and Conflict Studies, Globalisation, Social Medicine and Public Health, Science Colloquium, Internship Colloquium
WiSe 2019/2020: Academic Writing, Land Use, Theories of Social Development, Science Colloquium, Internship Colloquium
BA seminar “Auf der Spur von Kassel kolonialer Gegenwart” [“Tracing Kassel’s Colonial Present”], Institute for Political Science”, University of Kassel, Summer 2018 and Winter 2018/19
MA seminar “Introduction to Globalisation and Development”, Institute for Political Science”, University of Kassel, Winter 2017/18
MA seminar “Eine Postkoloniale Kritik der ‘Internationalen Zusammenarbeit’” [“A postcolonial critique of ‘international cooperation’”], Master programme “Social Work as a Human Rights Profession”, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Spring 2017 (co-taught with Chandra-Milena Danielzik)
MA seminar “Post-Development and Degrowth”, Institute for Political Science”, University of Kassel, Winter 2016/17
BA seminar “Anforderungen an Globales Lernen und (entwicklungs-)politische Bildungsarbeit aus postkolonialer Perspektive” [“Challenges for global learning and development/political education from a postcolonial perspective”], Institute for Political Science”, University of Kassel, Winter 2015/16 (co-taught with Andrea Klein)
BA seminar “Einführung in das (politik-)wissenschaftliche Arbeiten” [“Introduction to academic studies (Political Science)”], Institute for Political Science”, University of Kassel, Winter 2015/16 (co-taught with Aram Ziai)
MA seminar “Historische Perspektiven auf Globalisierung” [“Historical perspectives on globalisation”], Institute for Political Science, University of Kassel, Summer 2015
Summer School (BA level) “Postkoloniale Studien, Post-Development und die Folgen für die Entwicklungspolitik” [“Postcolonial Studies, Post-Development, and the Consequences for Development Policy”], University of Kassel and Evangelisches Studienwerk e.V., Villigst, Summer 2015 (co-taught with Aram Ziai)
MA seminar “Eine Postkoloniale Kritik der ‘Internationalen Zusammenarbeit’” [“A Postcolonial Critique of ‘International Cooperation’”], Master programme “Social Work as a Human Rights Profession”, Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences, Spring 2015 (co-taught with Chandra-Milena Danielzik)
Master class “Postcolonial Studies” for PhD students and academic staff of the Research Training Group “Transnational Social Support”, University of Hildesheim and University of Mainz, Spring 2015
BA seminar “Postkoloniale Kritik der Nord-Süd-Beziehungen am Beispiel Kassel” [“Postcolonial critique of North-South relations – the example of the city of Kassel”], Institute for Political Science, University of Kassel, Winter 2014/15
MA seminar “Development as Historical Change”, Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester, Winter 2009/10 and Winter 2010/11
MA seminar “Security Sector Reform and Development”, Institute for Political Science, Free University Berlin, Summer 2008 (co-taught with Ruth Stanley)
Research Projects (Past and Present)
- 2019 – present: Migration – Wage Labour – Racism. Experiences of Students from the Global South in the Low-Wage Sector of Saxony-Anhalt:
In this project, I am concerned with the experiences that students from the Global South have with wage labour in Saxony-Anhalt. In addition to the concrete experiences in the workplace, I am interested in how the students see their career prospects and how they relate their experiences in the low-wage sector to their academic education.
- 2018-present: Development Cooperation, Land-Grabbing, and Transnational Activism in Mali
This research examines processes of development-induced displacement in the Office du Niger in Mali. The focus is on two cases with German involvement: The irrigation project “Siengo Extension” was carried out by the German Development Bank (KfW) and led to the relocation of four villages in 2013 and 2014. A grassroots peasants’ union has been formed subsequently to fight for reparations. In the other case, Germany is involved through its investment in the African Development Bank. It financed the activities of a major Malian agro-business investor who is involved in a case of landgrabbing in the villages of Sanamadougou and Sahou. Since 2010, inhabitants of these villages have been resisting the loss of their lands. The research attempts at understanding the strategies of peasant resistance against development-induced displacement.
- 2014-2019: Towards Transnational Solidarity – Postcolonial Critique of Global Inequality in the North, Habilitation Project,
The recent declaration of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals has resulted in a slight shift of focus from the usual suspects – ‘less developed’ countries in the South – to include Northern countries as objects in need of socio-economic change. The move away from the colonial/development gaze, i.e. a perspective on the South as ‘the problem’, bears witness to the influence of particularly anthropological studies critical of the ‘development project’. Critiques of development have for a long time been pointing out the Eurocentrism and coloniality of dominant notions of socio-economic change. This project’s aim is to contribute to the understanding of postcolonial global change by directing attention to the necessary socio-economic change in the North. The basis for this new theoretical approach is developed on the basis of an investigation of different cases in which questions of global change are re-negotiated in Germany: (1) refugee activism, (2) degrowth, (3) global citizenship education, and (4) public relations of development policy. To achieve the mentioned aim, this study draws an epistemologies of the South (postcolonial critique), but turns towards the North and to transformative approaches challenging dominant notions of socio-economic change. The project 1) includes the North as a challenge for global change and thus moves beyond the focus on the South in development studies; 2) overcomes the (explicit or implicit) view of the North as a homogenous liberal, capitalist bloc; 3) and identifies potential actors for, as well as challenges to, postcolonial socio-economic change in the North. By investigating questions of postcolonial global change beyond the common focus on the South, this project contributes to identifying common global objectives and to the possibilities of “an effective politics of transnational solidarity between [...] struggles” (Wilson 2012, 244).
- 2014-present: International Development, Population Policy, and Contraceptive Markets (with Dr. Susanne Schultz, Goethe-University Frankfurt)
This research explores recent changes in international development policy with regards to population and reproductive health and connects these to contemporary dynamics in contraceptive markets. While the vocabulary of individual reproductive and human rights is ever-present, governments in the global South – and in certain Asian and African countries in particular – are nowadays encouraged to manage their ‘human capital’ in light of population age composition and available resources. Global population policies thereby link family planning strategies to national economic rationales, focusing especially on Asian and African countries. 20 years after the Cairo conference, key documents and budgets evidence a discursive and financial shift towards more explicit neo-Malthusian approaches to population developments. At the same time, a rollback of formerly discredited long-acting reversible contraception is evident in major public-private partnerships of governments, business and NGOs. In this research we link global development policy and marketing approaches by pharmaceutical companies to the level of implementation in particular country contexts. Here, we take into account the perspectives of the ‘target groups’ to understand how the needs and desires of particularly poor women in Asian (India, Bangladesh) and African countries (Kenya, Rwanda) interrelated with particular technological devices (implants) in the context of classed, racialised and gendered international and national population policies.
- 2014-present: Reinventing Development Theory – Comparing and Theorizing Post-Development Concepts and Practices
This project’s aim is to contribute to a progressive reformulation of development theory which takes into account Eurocentrism and relations of power in ‘development’ without giving up the desire for greater global material equality. Specifically, it will identify factors that lead to a progressive or reactionary effects of different Post-Development (PD) concepts and practices, enabling a new theoretical grasp on social change, based on a cross‐country comparison and case studies in Bolivia, South Africa, Iran, and Germany. It will advance the state of the art of PD theory by 1) including examples from Africa and the Near East (hitherto neglected in the debate); 2) transcending the exclusive focus on the Global South by linking it to a European case study; 3) transcending the exclusive focus on civil society by also investigating governmental concepts and practices; 4) examining the potentially reactionary political consequences of PD concepts. The aim of the project will be reached by investigating the different concepts and practices (Buen Vivir, Ubuntu, Gharbzadegi, Degrowth) according to their correspondence to central tenets of PD, their implementation in the political system, their contribution to the emergence of sustainable livelihoods and their ideological function for the ruling elite. The project is a cooperation between the University of Kassel (Aram Ziai), Universidad Católica Boliviana La Paz (Oscar Vega Camacho), Rhodes University Grahamstown (Sally Matthews), University of Tehran (Sara Mazinani Shariati), and University of Jena (Silke van Dyk).
- 2012-2014: Postcolonial perspectives on practices of development cooperation in Germany, glokal e.V.
This project included research as well as educational and outreach activities, such as workshops and seminars with development NGOs and faith-based organisations, as well as lectures at universities. In academic terms, this project explored the extent in which development education material in Germany broaches or neglects postcolonial power relations. The analysis was based on materials for development education in Germany, dating from 2007 to 2012, which were publicly accessible and used by NGOs, teachers and multipliers as guidance for their educational work. The analysis evidenced that the material “disremembers” colonialism in various ways. Furthermore, it reproduces hegemonic Eurocentric development imaginary. In addition, it does not do justice to an inclusive pedagogy in a society of migration: Not all potential participants, with their different societal positions, are included and addressed; instead, learning takes place based on, and at the expense of, the ‘Other’. The project came to the conclusion that, instead of questioning historically developed relations of power and domination, German development education in its current orientation contributes to stabilising inequality at the social, political, and economic level.
Our study of German development education material has been downloaded more than 7,000 times. It has been hotly debated amongst development education practitioners as well as academics in Germany. I was invited to several universities, NGOs, and development education networks in order to present and discuss our findings. The recently published German Handbook on Political Education contains a chapter on development education, in which the study is cited as the most important contribution to postcolonial development education in Germany. I also co-authored a booklet assisting educators to reflect on existing study material and develop new educational material on the issues of racism and coloniality.
- 2008-2012: Colonial Power in Development: Tracing German Interventions in Population and Reproductive Health in Tanzania”, University of Manchester
This was my PhD research project. It examined the impact of the colonial past on contemporary development. More specifically, it investigated how colonial power – conceived as discourses that emerged during colonisation and are interconnected with the material world – continues to shape present-day ideas and practices of development actors from the Global North that intervene in the lives of people in the Global South. The study analysed the emergence of German interventions in what is now Tanzania with regards to population and reproductive health during Germany’s colonisation of “German East Africa” and compared these interventions to present-day German development cooperation in Tanzania, where reproductive health is one of the focal areas. Drawing on archives, interviews, and observations in Germany and Tanzania, the project concluded that colonial power continues to significantly shape present-day development policy and practice. The results of this study have been published in international peer-reviewed journals (see list of publications) and I have attempted, more generally, to push the debate on the colonial present in Germany’s development policy with a special journal issue, academic and non-academic lectures, workshops, and a number of articles of a popular scientific nature. As a follow-up to my research, I spoke at Bayer HealthCare’s 2014 annual shareholders’ meeting, addressing the disturbing fact that Bayer profits from development aid funding while investing mostly in risky, long-term contraceptives.
- 2007-2008: Democratic Participation in Security Sector Reform”, Free University of Berlin & German Foundation for Peace Research
This project explored the concept and practice of security sector reform (SSR), a concept that had, since the late 1990s, entered the repertoire of international development aid as a means to good governance, democratisation, development and conflict transformation. The project focused specifically on normative aspects of the SSR paradigm, notably its commitment to local ownership, to gender sensitivity, to accountability of security actors, and to the contribution of SSR to broader efforts towards democratisation and participation. I was one of two researchers responsible for carrying out the project. My work involved the development of the research design, the application of qualitative methods, a comprehensive literature review, and semi-structured interviews. My focus was on SSR in African countries as well as on the issues of gender and local ownership. Since I realised that SSR research (including our own research project) did not take into account postcolonial power relations, I attempted to take the debate further with a paper entitled “A review of gender in security sector reform. Bringing post-colonial and gender theory into the debate”. The results of the project were published in international journals (in English and Spanish) and also presented and discussed at an international workshop in Berlin with academics and practitioners of SSR.
- Monographs
Global Development and Colonial Power – German Development Policy at Home and Abroad. Series: Kilombo: International Relations and Colonial Questions. London: Rowman & Littlefield International, 2018 (peer-reviewed).
With Kiesel, T. & Danielzik, C.-M. Bildung für nachhaltige Ungleichheit? Eine postkoloniale Analyse von Materialien der entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit in Deutschland, Berlin: glokal e.V., 2013.
- Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
With Kilian, J. Refugee Resistance against Deportation in Germany, Post-Deportation, and Social Work. Annual Review of Social Work and Social Pedagogy in Austria 2, 2020, 51-72.
Un éternel va-et-vient. Résistance au déplacement causé par le “développement” à travers le projet d'irrigation de l'Office du Niger, Mali. Les Cahiers de Mande Bukari, 42, 2020.
With Foley, E., Hendrixon, A. & Schultz, S. Targets & technologies: Sayana Press and Jadelle in contemporary population policies. Gender, Place & Culture 27: 3 (Special Issue Old Maps, New Terrain: A feminist theoretical intervention into population control in an era of climate change), 2020, 351-369.
Ein ewiges Hin und Her: Widerstand gegen Vertreibung durch "Entwicklung" im Bewässerungsprojekt Office du Niger, Mali. PERIPHERIE - Politik, Ökonomie, Kultur 39:2, 2019, 264-291.
Decolonising development education policy – the case of Germany. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning 10:2, 2018, 147-162.
With Schultz, S. The political economy of family planning: Population dynamics and contraceptive markets. Development and Change 49:2, 2017, 259-285.
Reflecting the post-development gaze: the degrowth debate in Germany. Third World Quarterly 38:12, 2017, 2617-2633.
“Impossible to get to know these secret means” – colonial anxiety and the quest for controlling reproduction in „German East Africa“. In: Stettner, S. et al. (eds.), Transcending Borders. Abortion in the Past and Present, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 53-67.
With Ziai, A. Rassismusanalyse in der Entwicklungsforschung am Beispiel deutscher reproduktiver Gesundheitspolitik in Tansania. PERIPHERIE. Politik-Ökonomie-Kultur 146/147, 2017, 206-231.
From fighting underpopulation to curbing population growth: Tracing colonial power in German development interventions in Tanzania. Postcolonial Studies 18:4, 2016, 53-70.
With Müller, F. Geschichtsvermittlung im Kinderzimmer – Benjamin Blümchen postkolonial. Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik 15, 2016, 84-100.
With Danielzik C.-M., Kiesel, T. & Kontzi K. Sustaining inequality – The neocolonial politics of development education, North-South volunteering and fair trade in Germany. darkmatter. In the Ruins of Imperial Culture 13, 2016.
With Schultz, S. Bevölkerungspolitik reloaded: Zwischen BMZ und Bayer. PERIPHERIE - Zeitschrift für Ökonomie und Politik der Dritten Welt 140, 2015, 447-468.
With Kiesel, T. & Danielzik C.-M. Education for sustainable inequality? A postcolonial analysis of materials for Development Education in Germany. Critical Literacy: Theories and Practices 9:2, 2015, 47-63.
With Ziai, A. Emanzipation durch Entwicklungspolitik? Einige Überlegungen zu Fragen globaler Ungleichheit. Momentum Quarterly 4:3, 2015, 161-173.
Resistance or damp squibs? Challenges to colonial power in contemporary German development interventions in the area of reproductive health in Tanzania. JEP – Austrian Journal of Development Studies 30:1, 2014, 20-43.
Auf den Spuren kolonialer Macht. Eine genealogische Dispositivanalyse von Entwicklungspolitik. In: Franke, U. & Roos, U. (eds.), Rekonstruktive Methoden der Weltpolitikforschung. Anwendungsbeispiele und Entwicklungstendenzen, Nomos, 2013, 181-218.
- Journal Articles
With Mboro, M. S. Kolonialismus, Kapitalismus und Entwicklung(spolitik). Geographische Rundschau 5, 2019, 40-43.
Der globale Süden ist hier! Wie Refugee-Aktivismus den Zusammenhang von Flucht und ‚Entwicklung‘ aufzeigt. Movements – Journal für Kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung 4:1, 2018, 157-165.
Jenseits von Externalisierungs- und Integrationsgesellschaft – Refugee-Aktivismus und postkoloniale Dezentrierung der Kritik globaler Ungleichheit. Workingpaper DFG-Kollegforscher_innengruppe Postwachstumsgesellschaften 3, 2018, http://www.kolleg-postwachstum.de/sozwgmedia/dokumente/WorkingPaper/WP+3_18+Bendix.pdf.
With Ziai, A. Rassismus global und in Deutschland: Fünf Thesen. PERIPHERIE. Politik-Ökonomie-Kultur 146/147, 2017, 319-325.
With Schultz, S., A revival of explicit population policy in development cooperation: the German government, Bayer, and the Gates Foundation. In: DifferenTakes 89, 2015.
The Big Five as dangerous as ever: German development cooperation, colonial-racist imagery, and civil society’s response. Critical Literacy: Theories and Practices 7:2, 2013, 48-57.
With Danielzik, C.-M. (In-)Security in postcolonial development education in Germany. Critical Studies on Security 1:3, 2013, 269-271.
The colonial fear of “underpopulation” in German East Africa. Global South Sephis E-Magazine 6:3, 2010, 29-40.
With Kiesel, T. White Charity: Eine postkoloniale, rassismuskritische Analyse der entwicklungspolitischen Plakatwerbung in Deutschland. PERIPHERIE - Zeitschrift für Ökonomie und Politik der Dritten Welt 120, 2010: 482-495.
With Stanley, R. Local ownership of security sector reform. A review of the literature. African Security Review 2, 2008: 93-104.
With Stanley, R. Engendering security sector reform. Where to from here? Security + Peace 1, 2008, 44-48.
With Stanley, R. Reforma del sector seguridad en África. La promesa y la práctica del enfoque de un nuevo contribuyente. Cuadernos de Seguridad 7, 2008, 13-63.
With Stanley, R. Security sector reform in Africa. The promise and the practice of a new donor approach. Accord Occasional Paper Series 3:2, 2008.
‘Afrika’ in der politischen Erwachsenenbildung in Deutschland. Kursiv – Journal für politische Bildung 3, 2007, 74–80.
- Articles in edited volumes
Migration – Studium – Arbeit. Erfahrungen von Studierenden of Color aus dem globalen Süden im Niedriglohnsektor in Deutschland. In: Birke, P., Carstensen, L., Huke, N. (eds.). Migration und Arbeit. Konflikte im Spannungsfeld von Rassismus, Klasse und Geschlechterverhältnissen. Beltz Juventa, forthcoming.
With Narayanaswamy, L., Vyam, R. & Ziai, A. Under Development: Future Uncertain. In: Bendix, D., Danielzik, C.-M., Müller, F., Narayanaswamy, L., Telleria, J., Trzeciak, M. F. & Ziai, A. (eds.). May Contain Traces. Episodes from the Colonial Present. Daraja Press, forthcoming.
With Werner, H. Tracking Trauma: German Genocides at Home and Abroad. In: Bendix, D., Danielzik, C.-M., Müller, F., Narayanaswamy, L., Telleria, J., Trzeciak, M. F. & Ziai, A. (eds.). May Contain Traces. Episodes from the Colonial Present. Daraja Press, forthcoming.
With Schultz, S. Antinatalismus und Big Pharma Langzeitverhütung und das Rollback internationaler Entwicklungspolitik. In: Schultz, S., Die Politik des Kinderkriegens. Zur Kritik demografischer Regierungsstrategien. transcript, 2022, 191–220.
With many others. Ein erneuter Aufruf zum feministischen Widerstand gegen Bevölkerungspolitik. In: Kitchen Politics (eds.). Mehr als Selbstbestimmung! Kämpfe für reproduktive Gerechtigkeit. edition assemblage, 2021, 125–133.
With Müller, F. & Ziai, A. Decolonizing Knowledge Orders, Research Methods and Academia: An Introduction. In: Bendix, D, Müller, F. & Ziai, A. (eds). Beyond the Master’s Tools? Decolonizing Knowledge Orders, Research Methods and Teaching. Rowman & Littlefield International, 2020, 1–15.
With Danielzik, C.-M. & Müller, F. Tools Against the Masters: Decolonial Unsettling of the Social Science Classroom. In: Beyond the Master’s Tools? Decolonizing Knowledge Orders, Research Methods and Teaching. Rowman & Littlefield International, 2020, 225–241.
With Müller, F. & Ziai, A. Post-Development Alternatives in the North. In: Morreo, C. E. & Klein, E. (eds.), Post-Development in Practice. Routledge, 2019.
Migration und globale Ungleichheit – Perspektiven aus dem Geflüchtetenaktivismus in der BRD. In: Prasad, N. (ed.), Menschenrechtsbasierte, professionelle und rassismuskritische Soziale Arbeit mit Geflüchteten. Berlin: Budrich, 2018, 247–259.
Mit Danielzik, C.-M. Neighbours Welcome! Die Willkommenskultur, die Geflüchtetenbewegung und die Suche nach Gemeinsamkeiten der Kämpfe um Rechte. In: Hess, S. et al. (Hg.), Grenzregime III. Der lange Sommer der Migration und seine Folgen. Hamburg: Assoziation A, 2017, 196–206.
With glokal e.V. Partnerschaft und Solidarität – Eine postkoloniale Annäherung an Theorie und Praxis. In: glokal e.V. (ed.), Das Märchen von der Augenhöhe. Macht und Solidarität in Nord-Süd-Partnerschaften. Berlin: glokal, 2016, 8–22.
Degrowth im Spiegel von Post-Development und post-/dekolonialer Kritik von ‘Entwicklung’ und Entwicklungspolitik. In: Konzeptwerk Neue Ökonomie (ed.), Degrowth in Bewegung(en). München: oekom, 2017, 284–295.
With Danielzik, C.-M. Mit dem postkolonialen Pflug über entwicklungspolitische Felder – die Beispiele Tourismus- und reproduktive Gesundheitspolitik. In: Ziai, A. (ed.), Postkoloniale Politikwissenschaft. Theoretische und empirische Zugänge. Bielefeld: transcript, 2016, 273–291.
With Müller, F., Kolonisator, Helfer und Kosmopolit: “Ja, das bin ja ich, Benjamin Blümchen, törööööööö!”. In: Emde, O.; Möller, L. & Wicke, A. (ed.), Von „Bibi Blocksberg“ bis „TKKG“. Kinderhörspiele aus gesellschafts- und kulturwissenschaftlicher Perspektive. Budrich: Leverkusen, 2016, 36-51.
With Ziai. A. Postkoloniale Kritik an „Entwicklung“. Destruktion und Konstruktion. In: Lutz, R. und Ross, F. (ed.), Sozialarbeit des Südens. Band 6 Soziale Entwicklung – Social Development. Oldenburg: Paulo Freire Verlag, 2015, 91–106.
Afrikabilder in Deutschland aus postkolonialer Perspektive. In: Marmer, E. & Sow. P. (eds.), Wie Rassismus aus Schulbüchern spricht. Kritische Auseinandersetzung mit ‚Afrika‘-Bildern und Schwarz-Weiß-Konstruktionen in der Schule – Ursachen, Auswirkungen und Handlungsansätze für die pädagogische Praxis. Beltz Juventa: Weinheim, 2015, 26–38.
Mit Aikins, J. K. Beyond #refugeeswelcome: The spectre of racist violence and lessons from refugee resistance in Germany. In: Bogerts, L. & Schmetz, M. (eds.), Wir unsere Zukunft entsteht. Kritische Perspektiven zu Flucht und Migration nach Europa, Frankfurt: sicherheits-blog, 2015, 45–52.
‘Entwicklung’. In: Arndt, A. & Ofuatey-Alazard, N. (eds.). Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache, UnRast, 2011, 272–278.
With Danielzik, C.-M. ‚Entdecken‘. In: Arndt, A. & Ofuatey-Alazard, N. (eds.). Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache, UnRast, 2011, 264–268.
A review of gender in security sector reform. Bringing post-colonial and gender theory into the debate. In: Jacob, M., Bendix, D. & Stanley, R. (eds.), Engendering SSR. A Workshop Report, Berlin, 2009, 9–31.
- Edited books and special issues
With Danielzik, C.-M., Müller, F., Narayanaswamy, L., Telleria, J., Trzeciak, M. F. & Ziai, A. (eds.). May Contain Traces. Episodes from the Colonial Present. Daraja Press, forthcoming.
DDR postkolonial. PERIPHERIE, Vol. 42, Nr. 165/166, 2022, https://www.budrich-journals.de/index.php/peripherie/issue/view/3054
With Müller, F. & Ziai, A. (eds). Beyond the Master’s Tools? Decolonizing Knowledge Orders, Research Methods and Teaching. Rowman & Littlefield International, 2020.
With Barry, C., Schultz, S. U., Schwenken, H. (eds.). Abschiebung global. PERIPHERIE. Politik-Ökonomie-Kultur 156, 2019.
With glokal e.V. (eds.). Connecting the Dots. Lernen aus Geschichte(n) zu Unterdrückung und Widerstand. Berlin: glokal, 2018.
With Kößler, R., Müller, F., Scheu, H., & Ziai, A. (eds.). Entwicklung? Alternativen zu Entwicklung? PERIPHERIE. Politik-Ökonomie-Kultur 150, 2018.
With Hauck, G., Müller, F. & Ziai, A. (eds.). Rassismus global. PERIPHERIE. Politik-Ökonomie-Kultur 146/147, 2017.
With glokal e.V. Das Märchen von der Augenhöhe. Macht und Solidarität in Nord-Süd-Partnerschaften. Berlin: glokal, 2016.
With Berg, O., Franzki, H., Mutter, T., Scheu, H. & Ziai, A. (eds.). Hilfe! Deutsche Entwicklungspolitik. PERIPHERIE – Zeitschrift für Politik und Ökonomie in der Dritten Welt 140, 2015.
With Kleist, J. O., Schultz, U., Schwenken, H. & Zwick, M. (eds.). Dis-Placement: Flüchtlinge zwischen Orten. PERIPHERIE – Zeitschrift für Politik und Ökonomie in der Dritten Welt 138–139, 2015.
With Ziai, A; Kaltmeier, O.; Ebenau, M.; Franzki, H. & Aikins, J. K. (eds.). Postkoloniale Perspektiven auf “Entwicklung”. PERIPHERIE – Zeitschrift für Ökonomie und Politik der Dritten Welt 120, 2010.
With Jacob, M. & Stanley, R. (eds.), Engendering SSR, Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin, 2009.
With Engels, B. & Kößler, R. (eds.). Besatzungsregime. PERIPHERIE - Zeitschrift für Ökonomie und Politik der Dritten Welt 116, 2009.
With AfricAvenir (eds.). african reflections, Oktober 2007. Berlin: AfricAvenir.
- Book Reviews
Kapoor, I. 2021: Confronting Desire: Psychoanalysis and International Development. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. PERIPHERIE – Politik • Ökonomie • Kultur, 162+163, 352–355.
Land, C. 2015: Decolonizing Solidarity – Dilemmas and Directions for Supporters of Indigenous Struggles. London: Zed Books. PERIPHERIE. Politik-Ökonomie-Kultur 145, 2017: 122–125.
Anievas, A., Manchanda, N. & Shilliam, R. (eds.) 2015: Race and Racism in International Relations. Confronting the Global Colour Line. London & New York: Routledge. PERIPHERIE – Zeitschrift für Ökonomie und Politik der Dritten Welt 138/139, 2015: 377–380.
Langwick, S. 2011: Bodies, Politics, and African Healing. The Matter of Maladies in Tanzania. PERIPHERIE – Zeitschrift für Ökonomie und Politik der Dritten Welt 129/2013, 135–138.
Rao, M. & Sexton, S. (eds.) 2010: Markets and Malthus. Population, Gender, and Health in Neo-liberal Times. PERIPHERIE – Zeitschrift für Ökonomie und Politik der Dritten Welt 128, 2013: 522–525.
Kapoor, I. 2008: The Postcolonial Politics of Development. PERIPHERIE – Zeitschrift für Ökonomie und Politik der Dritten Welt 120, 2010: 503-505.
Richey, L. A. 2008: Population Politics and Development. From the Policies to the Clinics. PERIPHERIE – Zeitschrift für Ökonomie und Politik der Dritten Welt 118&119, 2010: 371–374.
Gomes, B. et al (eds.) 2008: Rassismus. Ein vielgesichtiges Phänomen. PERIPHERIE – Zeitschrift für Ökonomie und Politik der Dritten Welt 117, 2010: 136–140.
Baaz, M. E. 2005. The Paternalism of Partnership. A Postcolonial Reading of Development Politics. Harvard Africa Policy Journal, 2009.
Wollrad, E. 2005. Weißsein im Widerspruch. Feministische Perspektiven auf Rassismus, Kultur und Religion. iz3w 6, 2006, 44.
- Articles in Anthologies
Tropenmedizin. In: Arndt, S. & Ofuatey-Alazard, N. (eds.). Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache, UnRast, 2011, 272–8.
With Danielzik, C.-M. Exotik. In: Arndt, A. & Ofuatey-Alazard, N. (eds.). Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache, UnRast, 2011, 633.
With Danielzik, C.-M. Neue Welt. In: Arndt, A. & Ofuatey-Alazard, N. (Hg.). Wie Rassismus aus Wörtern spricht. (K)Erben des Kolonialismus im Wissensarchiv deutsche Sprache, UnRast, 2011, 695.
With Aikins, J. K. PERIPHERIE-Stichwort: post(-)kolonial. PERIPHERIE - Zeitschrift für Ökonomie und Politik der Dritten Welt 120, 2010: 478–481.
Publications II
- Publications in Non-Academic Outlets
Politik der EU und Deutschlands zur Stabilisierung der Sahel-Zone – eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme. Dossier „Innerstaatliche Konflikte“, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 2021.
Schalke 04 and Colonial Power in German Development Policy. Colloquium, 2020.
Examining Images of Africa in the West. Adventist Educators Blog, 2019.
Wachsende Wachstumskritik. Die Debatte um Postwachstum und internationale Machtverhältnisse. Iz3w 359, 2017, 18-20.
With Aikins, J. K. Postkoloniale Kritik: Vom Finden und Überwinden kolonialer Spuren. ZAG – Antirassistische Zeitschrift 70, 2015.
With Schultz, S. Weniger Kinder statt bessere Versorgung? EZ-Projekte zunehmend bevölkerungspolitisch ausgerichtet. Pharma-Brief 4-5, 2015, 3-6.
Deutsche Bevölkerungspolitik in Ostafrika – heute und zur Kolonialzeit. HABARI 3, 2015, 14-17.
With Aikins, J. K., Resisting welcome & welcoming resistance. There’s more to Germany’s newfound “refugees welcome” culture. In: Africasacountry.com, 2015.
With Ziai, A. Entwicklung und internationale Solidarität in einer postkolonialen Welt. Brasilicum 236, 2015, 4-5.
With Ziai, A. Quallige Verwicklungen. Zur Kritik an dem Begriff „Entwicklung“. FriedensForum – Zeitschrift der Friedensbewegung 2, 2015, 31-33.
Do the Rusty Radiator Awards make a difference? In: Africasacountry.com, 2015.
All that glitters is not gold. The Rusty Radiator Awards have a bitter aftertaste. Pambazuka 707, 2014.
With Schultz, S. Implantierte Verhütung. Gen-ethischer Informationsdienst 217, 2013, 17-19.
„Fürsorge für die Eingeborenen“. Gen-ethischer Informationsdienst 217, 2013, 20.
With Ziai, A., Danielzik, C.-M. & Aikins, J. K. Rassismus und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Die westliche Sicht auf die Dritte Welt: vom Kolonialismus bis heute. In: BER e.V. (ed.), Developmental Turn. Neue Beiträge zu einer rassismuskritischen entwicklungspolitischen Bildungs- und Projektarbeit, Berlin: BER, 2013, 22-29.
With Danielzik, C.-M. Bacardi-Feeling und Entwicklungsauftrag – Zum Zusammenhang von Exotismus und Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. In: BER e.V. (ed.), Develop-mental Turn. Neue Beiträge zu einer rassismuskritischen entwicklungspolitischen Bildungs- und Projektarbeit, Berlin: BER, 2013, 36-37.
With Kiesel, T. & Danielzik, C.-M. 2013 Bildung für nachhaltige Ungleichheit? Eine postkoloniale Analyse von Materialien der entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit. In: BER e.V. (ed.): Develop-mental turn. Neue Beiträge zu einer rassismuskritischen entwicklungspolitischen Bildungs- und Projektarbeit, Berlin: BER, 2013, 50-54.
Lokale und kosmopolitische Körper. Müttergesundheit, deutsche Interventionen und Hierarchisierungen in Tansania. In: Arranca! 43, 2010, 32-34.
With Danielzik, C.-M. Exotismus. „Get into the mystery ...“. ROSA – Die Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung 40, 2010, 4-7.
Entwicklungspolitik im Zeichen der Millenium Development Goals. Eine antirassistische Perspektive auf die deutsche EZ. In: BER et al. (ed.), Entwicklungspolitik und Rassismus, BER: Berlin, 2008, 26-28.
With Nduka-Agwu, A. Die weiße Darstellung „Afrikas“ in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit. Wie ein Kontinent genormt, verformt und verdunkelt wird. analyse & kritik – Zeitschrift für linke Debatte und Praxis 37:520, 2007, 9.
- Educational Materials and Websites
eLearning Tool: With glokal. Connecting the Dots. Lernen aus Geschichte(n) zu Unterdrückung und Widerstand, www.connectingthedots.org, 2018.
Website: With kassel postkolonial. kassel postkolonial, www.kassel-postkolonial.de, 2016.
Educational method: “Umgang mit dem deutschen kolonialen Genozid in Namibia” [“Dealing with the German colonial genocide in Namibia”], 2016 (with Della, T.).
Booklet: Rassismuskritischer Leitfaden zur Reflexion bestehender und Erstellung neuer didaktischer Lehr- und Lernmaterialien für die schulische und außerschulische Bildungsarbeit zu Schwarzsein, Afrika und afrikanischer Diaspora [Racism-critical guide for reflection on existing and to-be-developed didactic teaching and learning materials for educational work in schools and out-of-school on Blackness, Africa, and the African Diaspora]. Berlin: Projekt Lern- und Erinnerungsort Afrikanisches Viertel beim Amt für Weiterbildung und Kultur des Bezirksamts, 2015 (with Autor*innenKollektiv).
Website: mangoes & bullets – materials for racism- and domination-critical thinking and acting, www.mangoes-and-bullets.org, 2015 (with glokal e.V.).
Educational method: “Verknüpfte Geschichte(n): Historisch-postkoloniales Lernen am Beispiel von Rassismus – Widerstand – ‘Entwicklung’” [“Entangled history(ies): Historical, postcolonial learning – the example of racism – resistance – ‘development’”], 2015 (with glokal e.V.).
Booklet: Mit kolonialen Grüßen … Berichte und Erzählungen von Auslandsaufenthalten rassismuskritisch betrachtet [With colonial regards … Reports and Narratives from Stays Abroad through the Lens of Antiracist Critique], Berlin: glokal e.V., 2013 (2nd revised version, with glokal e.V.).
Pedagogical guide: Practical guide for a postcolonial analysis of development education material. In: Bildung für nachhaltige Ungleichheit? Eine postkoloniale Analyse von Materialien der entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit in Deutschland [Education for sustainable inequality? A postcolonial analysis of materials for Development Education in Germany], Berlin: glokal e.V., 2013, 50–54 (with Kiesel, T. & Danielzik, C.-M.).
- Participation in Conferences (Selection)
“Global Inequality and Transnational Migration”, 1st Global Colloquium Social Work and Social Transformation (SOWOSTRA) “Social Sustainability and Global Transformations in the 2020s”, Kassel University, 14 January 2021.
“#decolonizeGlobalHealth: The burden of colonialism in Global Health”, Spring School “Racism, Health and Colonial Continuities”, Global Health Working Group (Charité, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung), 11 April 2021.
"Transnational Activism for Social Justice in the Context of Environmental Crisis and Civil War. An Independent Peasant Union’s Struggle for Land in Mali", International Workshop on Environmental Justice, Freiburg, 19–21 May 2021.
“Die koloniale Gegenwart und dekoloniale Zukunft transnationaler Entwicklungspolitik” [“The colonial present and decolonial future of transnational development policy”], Conference “10 Jahre weltwärts. Entwicklungspolitische Freiwilligendienste im Fokus der Forschung”, TH Köln, Germany, 27 September 2018.
“A Decade of Decolonising Development Education in Germany”, Annual Convention of DVPW-Sektion Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik “Dekolonisierung der Entwicklungspolitik: Praktische Konsequenzen der Post-Development Kritik?”, Universität Kassel, 23 November 2017.
“Migration und globale Ungleichheit – Perspektiven aus dem Geflüchtetenaktivismus in der BRD” [“Migration and global inequality – Perspectives from refugee activism in Germany”], Conference of Assoziation für kritische Gesellschaftsforschung “Alltägliche Grenzziehungen. Externalisierungsgesellschaft, imperiale Lebensweisen und exklusive Solidaritäten als Herausforderungen emanzipatorischer Politik”, Hamburg, Germany, 3–5 November 2017.
“Dangerous reproductive bodies. Racism and global population policies: From colonialism to neoliberalism”, Workshop “Demografisches Wissen und neue Dimensionen der Bevölkerungspolitik”, Frankfurt a.M., Germany, 6-7 July 2017.
„Post-Development und die Dekolonisierung von Entwicklungspolitik“, Ringvorlesung „Coloniality. Under De_Construction“. Dekoloniale Perspektiven und Aktivismen“, Universität Wien, Austria, 8 June 2017.
“Implanting coloniality: Revival of population policy, long-term contraception, and contraceptive markets”, Conference “International Studies Association Annual Convention”, Baltimore, USA, 22–24 February 2017.
“Reflecting the post-development gaze: The degrowth debate in Germany”, Conference “International Studies Association Annual Convention”, Baltimore, USA, 22–24 February 2017.
“Postcolonising degrowth: Refugee protests in Germany, global inequality and post-development in the North”, Conference “5th International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity”, Budapest, Hungary, 30 August–3 September 2016.
“Post-Development und Degrowth: Eine Einführung in Wachstums- und Entwicklungskritik in Nord und Süd” [“Post-development and degrowth: An introduction to critiques of growth and development in the North and South”], Conference “Degrowth Summer School”, Lützerath, Germany, 19–29 August 2016.
“Postcolonial Policy Analysis: Two Examples from International Development”, Conference “3rd European Workshops in International Studies”, Tübingen, Germany, 6–8 April 2016 (with C.-M. Danielzik).
“Pluriversität Kassel? Anstöße für eine post-/dekoloniale Lehre” [“The Pluriversity of Kassel? Impulses for post-/decolonial teaching”], Conference “Hochschullehre & Kritik”, University of Kassel, Germany, 9–10 October 2015.
“Beredtes Schweigen. Soziale Bewegungen in der entwicklungspolitischen Spendenwerbung in Deutschland” [“Revealing silence. Social movements in billboard advertising by development aid organisations in Germany”], Conference “Weingartener Afrika-Gespräche 2014”, Weingarten, Germany, 5–7 December 2014.
“From fighting underpopulation to curbing population growth. Tracing colonial power in German development interventions in Tanzania”, Conference “Material Matters in Times of Crisis Capitalism: Transnational Feminist and Decolonial Approaches”, University of Giessen, Germany, 13–15 November 2014.
“Rassismus materialisieren. Der Beitrag der Entwicklungsforschung für die politikwissenschaftliche Untersuchung von Rassismus”, Conference “Tag der Politikwissenschaft” [“Materialising racism. The contribution of Development Studies to the investigation of racism in Political Science”], University of Vienna, Austria, 28–29 November 2014 (with A. Ziai).
“Emanzipatorische Entwicklungspolitik: Einige Vorüberlegungen” [“Emancipation through development policy: preliminary considerations”], Conference “Momentum”, Hallstatt, Austria, 17–19 October 2014 (with A. Ziai).
“Reflecting the (post-)development gaze – struggles for a decent life in Germany”, Workshop “Alternatives to Development? Analysing Post-Development Concepts and Practices”, University of Kassel, Germany, 1–2 October 2014.
“Education for sustainable inequality? A postcolonial analysis of development education materials in Germany”, Working Group “Global Learning meets Development” at Conference “EADI General Conference”, Bonn, Germany, 24–26 June 2014.
“The colonial present in international development. The case of German interventions in obstetric care in Tanzania”, Conference “International Studies Association Annual Convention”, San Francisco, USA, 3–6 April 2013.
“Critical pedagogies in world politics: What do we teach? How do we teach it?”, Conference “International Studies Association Annual Convention”, San Francisco”, USA, 3–6 April 2013 (with C.-M. Danielzik).
“German colonial interventions into birthing and abortion practices & the quest for control of population in East Africa”, Conference “Colonial subjects of health and difference: races, populations, diversities”, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, 11–13 June 2012.
“Tracing colonial rationalities in German development interventions on population and reproductive health in East Africa”, Conference “International Studies Association Annual Convention”, San Diego, USA, 1–4 April 2012.
“Childbirth and abortion in ‘German East Africa’. Fragmentation of colonial power and agency of East African women”, Conference “Femmes et Genre en Contexte Colonial”, Centre d’Histoire de Sciences Po, Paris, France, 19–21 January 2012.
“Postkoloniale Entwicklungspolitik? Auf der Spur der deutschen Müttergesundheitspolitik in Tansania” [Postcolonial development policy? Tracing German internations in maternal health in Tanzania”], Conference “Postkoloniale Gesellschaftswissenschaften. Eine Zwischenbilanz”, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany, 17–18 June 2011.
“Post-Development-Ansätze als Beitrag für die geographische Entwicklungsforschung” [Post-development approaches as contributions to geographical development research”], Conference “Post-Development und Postkoloniale Theorien als Beitrag zur geographischen Entwicklungsforschung”, University of Innsbruck, Austria, 29–31 October 2010.
“A framework for researching the colonial legacy of power mechanisms in international development” at the conference “Challenging Developments. Concepts, Visions, Perspectives”, Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology, Bielefeld, Germany, 16–18 April 2009.
“German ‘population policy’ in the ‘South’ and whiteness“, Conference “Historicising Whiteness“, University of Melbourne, Australia, 22–24 November 2006.
- Invited participations at round tables
"Race and development: What's so unsettling? ROUNDTABLE 3: Race, racism and the everyday in development", Development Studies Association, 28 June - 2 July 2021.
"Race Matters: Research Questions in International Relations", Mario Einaudi Center for International Studies, Africana Studies and Research Center & Department of Government, Cornell University, 20 May 2021.
“Wohin? Wege der Weiterentwicklung Globalen Lernens” [“Where to from here? Avenues for developing global learning”], Conference “Mit Bildung die Welt verändern!? Globales Lernen für eine nachhaltige Entwicklung”, Hofgeismar, Germany, 10–12 June 2016.
“Afrika neu denken” [“Thinking Africa anew”], Conference “Afrika neu denken”, Frankfurt, Germany, 25–26 September 2015.
“Entwicklungspolitik – Außenpolitik mit anderen Mitteln” [“Development policy – Foreign policy by other means”], Conference “DVPW Kongress 2015”, Duisburg, Germany, 22–24 September 2015.
“Hochschuldidaktik: zwischen Kritik und Affirmation” [“University didactic: between critique and affirmation”], Conference “Hochschullehre & Kritik” [Teaching at university & critique”, Kassel, Germany, 9-10 October 2015.
“Critical Pedagogies in World Politics: What do we teach? How do we teach it?”, Conference “International Studies Association Annual Convention”, San Francisco”, USA, 3-6 April 2013.
- Conference convenor and organiser
“Reproductice Justice?! Workshop on Contemporary Population Policy – Globally and Locally”, Berlin, Germany, 2 February 2018
“Migration, Self-Determined Development, and Ecological Crises”, Leipzig, Germany, 6-8 October 2017
“Beyond the Master’s Tools: Post- and Decolonial Approaches to Research Methodology and Methods in the Social Sciences”, University of Kassel, Germany, 14–15 January 2016
“Engendering Security Sector Reform”, Free University Berlin, Germany, 7 November 2008
- Panel convenor
“Unlearning academia: Disseminating postcolonial critique in/with non-academic contexts”, - BISA 43rd Annual Conference, Bath, United Kingdom, 13–15 June 2018
“Post-Development and its Consequences – 25 Years after the Development Dictionary”, Conference “International Studies Association Annual Convention”, Baltimore, USA, 22–24 February 2017
“Materiality Matters”, Conference “Beyond the Master’s Tools: Post- and Decolonial Approaches to Research Methodology and Methods in the Social Sciences”, University of Kassel, Germany, 14–15 January 2016
“The Colonial Present of International Development: Decolonizing Knowledge, Power and Subjectivities”, International Studies Association Annual Convention in San Francisco, USA, 3-6 April 2013
“Perspectives on Intervention: Rationalities and Translation, Resistance and Effects”, International Studies Association Annual Convention in San Diego, USA, 1-4 April 2012
- Panel chair
“The International Politics of Vulnerable People”, Conference “International Studies Association Annual Convention”, Baltimore, USA, 22–24 February 2017
“Materiality Matters”, Conference “Beyond the Master’s Tools: Post- and Decolonial Approaches to Research Methodology and Methods in the Social Sciences”, University of Kassel, Germany, 14–15 January 2016
“The Colonial Present of International Development: Decolonizing Knowledge, Power and Subjectivities”, International Studies Association Annual Convention in San Francisco, USA, 3-6 April 2013
“Perspectives on Intervention: Rationalities and Translation, Resistance and Effects”, International Studies Association Annual Convention in San Diego, USA, 1-4 April 2012
“Colonialism in the history of the neoliberal present: law, property and economy”, International Studies Association Annual Convention in San Francisco, USA, 3-6 April 2013
Academic Memberships
Editor of PERIPHERIE. Politik-Ökonomie-Kultur, Publisher: Barbara Budrich
Editor of Development and Postcolonial Studies (DPS) Working Paper Series, University of Kassel, Germany
Member of CPD BISA (Colonial/Postcolonial/De-colonial Working Group of the British International Studies Association); AkG (Assoziation Kritische Gesellschaftswissenschaft), Section Entwicklungstheorie und Entwicklungspolitik of DVPW (German Political Science Association), KritNet (Netzwerk kritische Migrations- und Grenzregimeforschung), and ANGEL (Academic Network on Global Education & Learning)
Referee Assignments
International Politics Review, European Journal of Development Research, Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Globalization, Rowman & Littlefield International, Journal für Entwicklungspolitik, Zeitschrift für Politikfeldforschung, Voluntaris – Zeitschrift für Freiwilligendienste, Journal of Social Science Education, Routledge Key Topics Series Rethinking the Americas, diskurs
Political Activities
since 2016: active member of Afrique-Europe-Interact
since 2008: active member of glokal e.V.
2001-2007: active member of AfricAvenir International e.V.
German: mother tongue
English: excellent
French: excellent
Spanish: intermediate communication
Afrikaans: intermediate communication
Bambara: basic communication
Kiswahili: basic communication