This was the Week of Cultures 2023 in Friedensau
05. May. 2023
From May, 7 to 14, 2023, the students of Friedensau Adventist University (FAU) invited to a Week of Cultures. Several events were planned for this. The kick-off was a football tournament on Sunday, May, 7, 2023, on the football pitch "An der Ihle" in Friedensau. On Wednesday, May, 10, 2023, the 10 to 10 Meeting under the Word took place in the chapel – a weekly break with a devotional word; in the evening a concert "Around the World in 80 Minutes". On Thursday evening, "Fun and Games" was on the programme in the sports hall, offered by Hanna Arhin-Sam, the university staff member who deals specifically with matters concerning international students and who is instrumental in organising the "Week of Cultures".
On Friday evening, May, 12, students were invited to the traditional Shabbat Shalom in the chapel with songs, texts and a devotional part. On Saturday, May, 13, a German-English service was held in the chapel. On Saturday evening, the students offered a film evening. The finale was a "Festival of Cultures" on Sunday, May, 14, in the BArn with a colourful programme by the students. The next Week of Cultures is planned for May, 20 to 26, 2024.
All photos: FAU