University presents the exhibition »Signs and Wonders«
19. Jan. 2022
From January 16 to February 15, 2022, the library of Friedensau Adventist University will present the exhibition »Signs and Wonders«. The Friedensau artist Stephan Hartmann is thus publishing his own drawings, photographs and poems for the first time. Access to the exhibition is possible during the opening hours of the library; admission is free.
What is real? What is life? With these questions Stephan Hartmann underlines the concern of his exhibition. In »Signs and Wonders« he shows comics, photos and current poems to depict what life is for him. He opens up new perspectives for the viewer on everyday things, on things and situations that we actually already know. There is no shortage of humor, but also a thoughtful way of reflecting on life.
Stephan Hartmann, born in 1982, was born in the GDR near Chemnitz, then Karl-Marx-Stadt. He studied Theology in Friedensau and graduated with a Master's Degree in 2009. After ten years of professional experience as a Pastor in Dresden and Berlin, he has now been living in Friedensau again for a good year and works in a historic location, in rooms of the »Klappermühle«, as a freelance artist. Read more: