University congratulates on 40th anniversary

28. Jul. 2020

At the end of the academic year, a heartfelt thank you goes to all employees; especially thanks and appreciation to those who are allowed to celebrate a service anniversary: Dr. Johannes Hartlapp (40 years - right in the photo), Susanne Harring (25 years), Martina Lucke (25 years), Christoph Wendler (20 years), Kathrin Fürstenberg (20 years), Aila Stammler (20 years), Szilvia Szabó (10 years), Sebastian Kuhle (10 years), Alexander Helmeke (10 years).
At the same time we say goodbye to Evelyne Reischach-Richli (teacher of German as a foreign language).

Bild der THH Friedensau
Prorector Prof. Andreas Bochmann congratulates Dr. Johannes Hartlapp (right) on his 40th anniversary
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