ThHF promotes the German course in Friedensau
02. Mar. 2021
Friedensau belongs to a consortium of Adventist colleges and universities in the United States, Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA). Normally, a group of ACA directors from the 10 partner universities from all over the world travel to the American colleges to promote a year abroad for language study. This year, everything is different and so on February 28th, the ACA promotion was virtual. The international universities were again represented by their ACA directors, including Aila Stammler from Friedensau. Former students had sent videos, which Matheus Volanin combined with campus scenes to make a film. This was part of Friedensau's presentation; another part was live. More than 350 participants had registered and eagerly awaited the drawing for airline tickets provided by ACA for each program. Now it remains to be seen how many American students will choose Friedensau in 2021–22.