­We are looking for your suggestions for future projects­

For the Forest Run in the coming years, we are looking for project(s) to advocate and fundraise for.
Do you have any suggestions which project would be a good fit? Would you like to apply with your own project?

Please fill out the form below.

We are able to support proposed projects, which meet the following two requirements:

  1. The project must be non-profit
  2. The project must be located in the Jerichower Land.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at .

Here you can send us your project suggestions

Es tut uns leid, wir können nur gemeinnützige Projekte unterstützen.

We are sorry, we can only support charitable projects.

Es tut uns leid, wir können nur Projekte aus dem Jerichower Land unterstützen.

We are sorry, we can only support projects from the Jerichower Land.

Formulare sind beliebte Einfallstore für Hacker/Bots. Bitte lösen Sie die obenstehende Aufgabe damit wir sicher gehen können, dass Sie ein Mensch sind. Danke! Forms are popular gates for hackers/bots. Please solve the task above so that we can be sure that you are a person. Thanks!