Play, Klezmer, play!
14. Oct. 2019
The concert on the occasion of the academic year opening on October 12, 2019, was really special this time: a klezmer concert. Klezmer is a Yiddish word made up from the two Yiddish words "klej", which means jar, tool, or musical instrument, and "zmer", which means melody, song, or singing. Thus, "klezmer" can be translated as "jar of singing". Klezmer is the traditional music of Eastern European Jews. The ensemble "Shpil, Klezmer, Shpil!" from Mönchengladbach, consisting of six musicians who even master such a special musical instrument as the shofar, already involved the audience in their cheerful playing with the first song. The selection of songs was varied, but each melody reminded of the typical sad and happy sounds of klezmer: "El haderech", "Ani ole Lirushalayim", and "O Lulle Lulle – Fuli Chaj".

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