Public Lesson with Lance Gould “Storytelling”
18. Jun. 2024
The School of Social Sciences, in the Project Management course, led by Dr. phil. Annette Witherspoon, invites interested parties to a workshop on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m., in room LÜP 112. Guest lecturer is Lance Gould. In this workshop, he will show how important good storytelling is and how it works. It is about storytelling in international development cooperation.
Lance Gould is the founder and managing director of Brooklyn Story Lab (BSL). A media strategy firm that trains purpose-driven organizations how to tell stories effectively, particularly in relation to their work on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Lance Gould was previously a journalist and held senior positions at The Huffington Post (Executive Editor), The Boston Phoenix (Editor in Chief), The New York Daily News (Deputy Managing Editor) and Spy Magazine (Editor). In 2016, Lance Gould received a Tribeca Disruptive Innovation Award for his editorial work related to the SDGs. In 2017, he was appointed as a member of the Leadership Council for the UN's Media for Social Impact Summit. He is a member of the board of World Elephant Day and has been an honorary commissioner for the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) on the Education and Communication Commission for four years. To learn more about Lance Gould, see here:
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The workshop will be held in English. Those who cannot attend on site can dial in via Zoom: contact | annette.witherspoon(at)