Prof. Bernhard Oestreich gave a lecture on “Our worship”
16. Nov. 2022
As part of the Gemeindeakademie Friedensau, which took place in Friedensau from November, 4 to 6, 2022, Bernhard Oestreich, Professor of New Testament at the FAU, spoke on two topics: "Encountering God changes everything" and in the sermon with "Encountering God in happiness". Prof. Oestreich was – with Pastor Ronaldo Chiriac and Pastor Christian Menn – one of the three speakers who filled the conference theme "Our worship – longing to encounter God" with content.
The organisers were the North and South German Associations of Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany. The Gemeindeakademie Friedensau meets twice a year: in March and November. The next event of the Gemeindeakademie will take place in Mühlenrahmede from March, 3 to 5, 2023 under the theme: "Faith and/or Science. Is two-track thinking compulsory for the believer?" and then again in Friedensau from November, 3 to 5, 2023 "Ethics: Individual well-being versus common good?".
The speakers at the conference in March 2023 will be: Prof. Dr. Holger Gerhardt (Biologist, Berlin), Dennis Meier (Theologian, Hannover), Jens Mohr (Theologian, Ostfildern), Dr. Rafael Schäffer (Geologist, Darmstadt).
Registration (subject to a fee) is required via or Phone +49 (0) 711 44 819-17