Obituary for Hans Heinz
02. Feb. 2021
„Theologia est habitus practicus – Theology is a practical discipline“ (Philipp Jacob Spener).
Friedensau Adventist University mourns the loss of Dr. Johann (Hans) Heinz (* April 30, 1930), who died on January 27, 2021, at the age of 91 in Braunau (Austria), as a result of a Covid-infection.
Hans Heinz is considered one of the leading Adventist systematic theologians in Europe. He was a theology teacher at Bogenhofen Seminary (Austria) from 1957 to 1978, a lecturer in Systematic Theology and head of Marienhöhe Theological Seminary (Darmstadt) from 1982 to 1995, and a guest lecturer at Friedensau Adventist University from 1991 on. His influence guided the theological reflection and orientation of numerous students and pastors. Stefan Höschele, Dean of the Department of Theology in Friedensau, stated: “By combining biblical doctrines and church history, resulting in a keen systematic-theological analysis, his thinking, teaching and writing in Adventism in the German-speaking areas has established standards beyond which no further a successor can go back.” His main focus of research was in the feelds of soteriology, Reformation studies, as well as Catholic theology and the ecumenical movement. In 1990 he founded the theological journal Spes Christiana. The total circulation of his books with translations in over 20 languages reached millions. The word of Philipp Jacob Spener "Theology is a practical discipline" was chosen by Hans Heinz as his life motto. His faithfulness to the Bible and the Adventist message was bound up with an evangelistic passion. He saw theologians and pastors charged with helping people change their lives and follow Jesus. Until recently he worked on theological issues and was always happy to share his deep knowledge.
Hans Heinz retired in 1995 and lived with his wife in Braunau. Our condolences go out to her and the family.
We have this hope and look forward to meeting again on the Day of Resurrection.
Mario Brito | Chairman of the Board of Trustees | Prof. Dr. Roland E. Fischer | Rector | Tobias H. Koch | Chancellor

Photograph: private