Obituary for Gert Krüger (1954–2025)

19. Feb. 2025

We mourn the loss of Gert Krüger, who was suddenly torn from life on 23 January 2025. He came to Friedensau from his home town of Hoyerswerda in 1973 to study to become a preacher. In 1976, he returned to his profession as an electrician, completed his master craftsman training and then went on to study engineering. When Gottfried Donat, the long-time managing director and mayor of Friedensau, retired on 1 June 1989, a successor had to be found in a difficult political situation. This is where Gert Krüger came in. His calm and always balanced manner, which was not focussed on quick decisions but on well-considered solutions and ways of reaching an understanding, helped Friedensau a great deal during the months and years of political change. Even in difficult situations, he always looked for positive approaches despite the many imponderables. His calmness and confidence in times of change and uncertainty are deeply remembered.

When the then Technical Director unexpectedly relinquished his responsibilities in March 1990, Gert Krüger took on this task in addition. Due to a territorial and structural reform of public administration in the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt, the town of Möckern became the seat of an administrative community in 1991 and, in the course of this change, the position of Friedensau mayor was converted from a full-time to an honorary one. In future, he performed the duties of mayor in an honorary capacity. During his term of office, the construction planning and decision for the municipal buildings in Friedensauer Ahornstraße and the purchase of the fire engine for the Friedensau fire brigade took place. Gert Krüger was responsible as Technical Manager until April 1992, when he moved to the Advent welfare organisation in the Friedensau retirement home.

From 1993 until his retirement in mid-2020, he worked as a property manager at NDV-Liegenschaftsverwaltung gGmbH (formerly STA Grundstücksverwaltung im NDV gGmbH). He was highly valued both professionally and personally in his work with the municipalities in Nordrhein-Westfalen, Niedersachsen, Schleswig-Holstein, Bremen and Hamburg. Even after his retirement, one might say until his last day, he supported the property management in many areas. We were able to experience him as a valued colleague and look back with gratitude on many years of happy co-operation. Gert Krüger will remain in our thoughts as a warm-hearted person who was always ready with a smile. His death was unexpected. However, his confidence and hope, his deep trust in God are firmly anchored in our memories.

We mourn the loss of Gert Krüger and extend our heartfelt sympathy to his wife, children, grandchildren and all relatives.

The funeral service will take place on Friday, 28 February 2025, at 3 pm, at the Adventgemeinde Hannover-Mitte, Fischerstraße 19, 30167 Hannover. The funeral will take place at a later date in the immediate family circle.

Mario Brito, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Friedensau Adventist University

Thomas Röstel, Managing Director of NDV-Liegenschaftsverwaltung Hannover

Rüdiger Schröter, Mayor of Friedensau

Bild der THH Friedensau
Gert Krüger (1954–2025)
Image Rights: NDV-Liegenschaftsverwaltung | private