New students: We warmly welcome our first-year students!
21. Mar. 2023
On March 20th, the enrollment day at the university, we had the pleasure of welcoming 13 new students. Twelve of the students will begin their Master's studies in International Social Sciences, while one student will start their Bachelor's studies in Theology.

For the newcomers, the day began at 9:30 am with a welcoming speech from the rector of Theologische Hochschule Friedensau, Prof. Dr. phil. Roland E. Fischer, and the dean of the Department of Christian Social Work, Prof. Dr. phil. Thomas Spiegler. Afterwards, the students visited seven different stations, from the library, to the registrar's office, the administration and marketing as well as the admissions office, to receive important information for a smooth start.
The traditional welcome dinner took place at 6:30 pm in the evening, giving students the chance to become familiar with the faculty and staff over vegetarian food and good conversation in a pleasant setting.
We wish our first-year students as well as all of our other students a successful start!