Music therapy symposium—register now!
07. Jan. 2020
The symposium with the topic “Spirituality in music therapy—gift of God and/or holy fermata?” triangulates the interdependencies between music, spirituality, and therapy. Three impulse lectures under the title “God and the world” highlight the (in-) credible synergy of spirituality forms, music experience, and therapy. The five subsequent workshops taking place at the same time will take an interdisciplinary look at the theory of the interlocking phenomena between transcendence and form and allow the participants to experience it in practice. There will also be an inspiring cultural program offering the possibility to chat with other professionals and do some interdisciplinary networking. The registration period for the symposium has been extended until January 15, 2020:
The event is part of the joint project “Kleine-Fächer-Wochen an deutschen Hochschulen” (Weeks for Small Subjects at German Universities).