Möckern’s mayor Doreen Krüger visits Friedensau
24. Aug. 2022
Yesterday, Tuesday 23 August 2022, Möckern's mayor Doreen Krüger (Freie Wählergemeinschaft Fläming) paid Friedensau a first visit. The management of Friedensau Adventist University, represented by Rector Prof. Dr. Roland Fischer (right) and Chancellor Tobias H. Koch (left), as well as local mayor Rüdiger Schröter (centre left) introduced the University and Friedensau to the new incumbent during a brief tour of the town. The subsequent discussion served to get to know each other and to exchange views on current issues. The main focus was on issues concerning the development of the municipality and the university as well as sustainable energies.

Photograph: FAU | Andrea Cramer