Foto Linda Reinicke

Linda Reinicke

Accounting | Staff Accountant | Reception | Equal Opportunity Officer | Instructor

Linda Reinicke

Accounting | Staff Accountant | Reception | Equal Opportunity Officer | Instructor

An der Ihle 19
39291 Möckern-Friedensau

Raum: MEN 105
Telefon: +49 (0) 3921 916-230
Fax: +49 (0) 3921 916-230


Colleague Linda Reinicke has been Equal Opportunity Officer at the FAU since December 2021. On December 15, 2021, the Rector Prof. Roland Fischer presented her with the certificate of appointment. Linda Reinicke received the majority of the votes cast in the election process. She is available for a legislative period of three years to all inquiries of the colleagues. Rector Roland Fischer congratulated on behalf of the university to the election; he thanked at the same time the past equal opportunity representative Aila Stammler cordially for their performed work.

What are the tasks of the Equal Opportunity Officer? (Excerpt from the Equal Opportunity Regulations of the FAU dated March 7, 2017 | Senate resolution of June 21, 2017).

(1) The Equal Opportunity Officer works towards establishing equal opportunities for all members of the university and towards avoiding disadvantages for them for the reasons stated in § 1 para. 1. This includes working towards and promoting the implementation of the measures and goals adopted in the equal opportunities concept. To this end, he or she shall be heard by the decision-making bodies of the university (§ 7 GrundO) on equality-related issues. In appointment procedures, he or she is to be involved within the framework of the regulations of the Appointment Regulations. The Equal Opportunity Officer attends all meetings of the Senate in an advisory capacity. He or she may participate in an advisory capacity in the meetings of the other collegial bodies of the university if these deal with equality-related agenda items. The Equal Opportunity Officer may request that matters pertaining to equal opportunity be referred to him or her. If he or she has been requested to make a statement, he or she shall be informed of the outcome of the deliberations. In the performance of his or her duties, he or she may object within one week to a decision of an organ which has been taken against the opinion. The university body may confirm, amend or rescind its decision.
(2) For members of the university with disabilities, the duties of the equal opportunity commissioner shall also include involvement in the planning and organization of teaching and study conditions according to the needs of members and relatives of the university with disabilities, in study and career preparation counseling, and in the implementation of necessary barrier-free technical and structural measures.
(3) Members of the university may seek advice from or request the assistance of the Equal Opportunity Officer in matters of equality or discrimination.
(4) The Equal Opportunity Officer shall cooperate with the university’s confidential advisors and, if appointed by the students, with the student representative for equal opportunities and the student council.
(5) The Equal Opportunities Officer shall report on his/her work to the Senate once a year.