Dr. phil. Jill Philine Blau
Dr. phil. Jill Philine Blau
Head of Program | Development Studies – Online for Professionals
An der Ihle 5 A
39291 Möckern-Friedensau
Raum: LÜP 302a
Telefon: +49 (0) 3921 916-153
Fax: +49 (0) 3921 916-153
Current position
Head of program MA Development Studies – Online for Professionals
- Courses taught mainly on: Aid and Development, Anthropocene and Climate Change, Land Use and Land Politics, Rhetoric and Presentation Skills, Gender and Development, Gender and Intersectionality
- Research on: Gender and Commons; Political Ecologies, Institutions & affect, Development aid and its discontents
- Other activities: Redesigning of the curriculum of the Master of International Social Sciences; Conceptualization of a new professional Master in Development Studies (launched in 2019); Study on Intercultural Relations | Racism at FAU; Launching of Working Group on Intercultural Relations and racism in FAU, and various other academic and administrative obligations; cooperation project with Polizeiakademie-Sachsen-Anhalt on anti-racism, power and intersectionality
Academic Education and Personal Grants
1999 | Tamatea High School, New Zealand, Student Exchange High School with full scholarship from G.A.S.S. e.V. |
2000 – 2002 | International Baccalaureate, Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific, United World College, Canada with full scholarship from the German Foundation United World College |
2003 – 2006 | Bachelor of Arts, First Class, Development Studies and International Relations, University of Sussex, UK with UCAS scholarship |
2007 – 2010 | Master of Public Policy, Hertie School of Governance with full scholarship from the Hertie Foundation |
2011 – 2015 | Award of Scholarship for PhD from Heinrich Böll Foundation |
2011 – 2012 | Participation in the Graduate School “Resource Politics and Gender Justice” at the Humboldt University Berlin & Leuphana University of Lüneburg |
2011 – 2013 | Participation in the Research Network SUNARPA “Inter – African – German Research Group Working on the Sustainable Use of Natural Resources & Peace in Pastoralist Areas in Africa” |
2012 | Lecturer of “Resource Use and Gender Justice” at the Zentrum für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien (ZTG) of the Humboldt University Berlin |
2014 – 2018 | Conceptualization and Realization of the Cape Coast Summer School on Land Use and Land Politics, financed by the VW Foundation in cooperation with FAU and University of Cape Coast, Ghana |
2015 | Freelance Lecturer at FAU (Seminar on Land and Development) |
2015 - 2016 | Scholarship for Finalisation of PhD from Free University Berlin |
2017 | Handing-in and defense of the dissertation “Land, Gender and Commons: Collective Land Use Strategies of Pastoralists in Ethiopia and Germany”, magna cum laude, Free University Berlin |
Further Employment
2009 – 2011 | Freelance Research and Consultant on Ecology, Development and Gender – Issues, Berlin |
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2008 – 2009 | Head of Department for International Politics, Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin |
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2007 – 2008 | Head of Department for Gender Democracy and Feminism, Gunda- Werner- Institut of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin |
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2006 – 2007 | Junior Project Manager at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) now GIZ |
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2003 – 2006 | Group Leader of Mentoring and Mentor at Aimhigher, Mentoring, UK |
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2005 | Intern and then freelance assistant, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Belgrade, Serbia-Montenegro |
2023 | Land, Gender and Commons. Collective Land Use Strategies of Pastoralists in Ethiopia and Germany. Forthcoming monograph based on PhD, contract with LIT Verlag |
2023 | Gender, age and commons among the Nyangatom in Southern Ethiopia, In: Land Tenure and Commodification, Edited by Britwum, Akua & Schultz, Ulrike, SAGE publications (peer-reviewed and approved) |
2021 | Interdependencies, caring, and commoning: The case of herders in Ethiopia and Germany. In: Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4 (4), pp. 1270–1290. DOI: 10.1177/25148486211022081. |
2019 | Pastoralismus. In: Brunner, J; Dobelmann, A. ; Kirst, S. & Prause, L. (Ed.): Wörterbuch Land – und Rohstoffkonflikte, transcript Verlag. |
2018 | Making sense of past, present and future. Images of modern and past pastoralism among Nyangatom herders in South Omo, Ethiopia, In: Land (2018) 7/2. |
2018 | Commoning und Wanderweidewirtschaft: Die Rechtler_innen im Oberallgäu, Peripherie – Politik • Ökonomie • Kultur 150/151, Heft 2-2018 Jenseits des Entwicklungsdenkens (150/151). |
2018 | Making sense of past, present and future. Images of modern and past pastoralism among Nyangatom herders in South Omo, Ethiopia. In: Land (2018) 7/2. |
2010 | Co-editing with Helfrich, Silke in the name of Heinrich Böll Foundation: "Wem gehört die Welt?” Oekom Verlag. |
2009 | Editor in the name of the Heinrich Böll Fondation: Roadmap to 1325, Resolution for gender-sensitive peace and security politics, Barbara Budrichs Verlag. |
Acquiring of Non-Personal Grants
2016 – 2018 | Volkswagen Foundation Grant for three PhD Summer Schools in cooperation with University of Cape Coast, Ghana |
2018 | Small grant to implement migration workshop project in Möckern from City Burg |
2022 | “In the past it was an honour to do commons, now it is an obligation”: Commoning in the face of changing Alpine socionatures”. Human Ecology Association Summer Conference, Sommerhausen, Germany |
2021 | “Researching the Researchers: Self- Reflections and Positionality of Pastoralist Researchers to their research communities”, Oxford Desert Conference, Oxford University. |
2021 | “Intersectionality and Rural Police Work – The Data the teaching can generate and the need for critical self-reflection” – Opening Lecture at Training Conference of Middle Management in Sachsen-Anhalt together with local anti-discrimination networks. |
2020 | “Affect Theory, Intersectionality and Development Studies”, German Sociological Association Yearly Conference, Friedensau |
2019 | “The Commons, Commoning and Co-becomings: Land, Care, and Commons” Panel at the AAG (American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting) in New Orleans, USA. |
2018 | “Caring about land, learning from herders” Public theatre Braunschweig, Schwarzmarkt Event für Nützliches Wissen. |
2018 | „Sedentarization and the modern state: Pastoralists in Ethiopia“, Panel at Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaften in Deutschland. |
2017 | “Commons-based land use of pastoralists in Ethiopia in the midst of land commodification” Panel at European Conference on African Studies, Basel, Switzerland |
2017 | “Pastoralism and the Commons: a multidisciplinary approach”, Interdisciplinary Desert Conference, Oxford University |
2016 | “Intercultural Relations in Friedensau”: Presentation of a larger qualitative study conducted as part of an endorsed diversity strategy for Friedensau Adventist University |
2014 | “Pastoralism in Comparison”, New Generation University, Ethiopia, Diversity Day |
2012 | “Pastoralism and Natural Resource Use“ Technical University Berlin, Development Politics, with other SUNARPA members |
2011 | “Pastoralist conflicts and civil peace building in South Ethiopia and bordering areas”, Berliner Afrikakreis, Afrikahaus. |
2010 | “Power, Grant Writings and Movement Buildings: Contradictions from a women’s movement perspective” AWID International Forum on Women’s Rights, South Africa. |
2009 | “Backgrounds and strategies for gender-sensitive peace and security politics”, Technical University Berlin, Development Politics Series XVII. |
Supervision of Master's theses
Since 2017, supervision of 6 Master's theses at Friedensau Adventist University, ongoing.
Academic Memberships
Since 2022 German Sociological Association – Section Global Development Studies
Board member and Finance Oficer
Since 2022 Germany Society for Human Ecology
Since 2016 American Association of Geographers
Since 2020 Film Club Friedensau – Film Club to address social issues on campus
Since 2020 Working group on racism at FAU
Courses at FAU
WS 2022 | Legacies of Aid, International Land Use; Introduction to Sustainability, Gender and Intersectionality at Master in International Social Sciences (Development Studies), Friedensau Adventist University. |
WS 2022 | Intersectionality and Power: an Invitation to Self-Reflection, Training at Rural police University Polizeihochschule Aschersleben in collaboration with local non-governmental organisations / antidiscrimination networks and LGBTIQ associations in Sachsen-Anhalt. |
SS 2022 | Introduction to Development Studies, Academic Presentation, Academic Writing Introduction to Sustainability at Master in International Social Sciences (Development Studies), Friedensau Adventist University. |
SS 2021 | Intersectionality and Power: an Invitation to Self-Reflection, Training at Rural police University Polizeihochschule Aschersleben in collaboration with local non-governmental organisations / antidiscrimination networks and LGBTIQ association in Sachsen-Anhalt. |
SS 2020 | Introduction to Development Studies: Development Theories and Practice, Academic Writing, Gender in social work, Participatory Project Planning at Master in International Social Sciences (Development Studies), Friedensau Adventist University. |
SS 2020 | Intersectionality and Power: an Invitation to Self-Reflection, Training at Rural police University Polizeihochschule Aschersleben in collaboration with local non-governmental organisations / antidiscrimination networks and LGBTIQ association in Sachsen-Anhalt. |
WS 2019 | Contesting Development: Global Realities of Aid; Legacies of Aid International Land Use; Academic Writing, Introduction to Sustainability, Gender and Intersectionality at Master in International Social Sciences (Development Studies), Friedensau Adventist University. |
WS 2019 | Intersectionality and Power: an Invitation to Self-Reflection, Training at Rural police University Polizeihochschule Aschersleben in collaboration with local non-governmental organisations / antidiscrimination networks and LGBTIQ associations in Sachsen-Anhalt. |
SS 2019 | Introduction to Development Studies, Academic Presentation, Gender and Intersectionality at Master in International Social Sciences (Development Studies), Friedensau Adventist University. |
SS 2019 | Gender and Power: an Invitation to Self Reflection, Traning at Rural police University Polizeihochschule Aschersleben in collaboration with local non-governmental organisations / antidiscrimination networks and LGBTIQ associations in Sachsen-Anhalt. |
SS 2018 | Global politics of mining and sustainability in M.A. International Social Sciences (Development Studies), Friedensau Adventist University. |
Development Industry and Legacy in M.A. International Social Sciences (Development Studies), Friedensau Adventist University. | |
2018 | Introductory Module: PhD Summer School on Land, Place and Belonging, co-taught with Kwaku Arhin-Sam, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. |
SS 2017 | Lecture Series: Social Impacts of the Anthropocene; Friedensau Adventist University with geographers such as Silja Klepp and Festus Boamah. |
Intersectional perspectives on land use in M.A. International Social Sciences (Development Studies), Friedensau Adventist University. | |
WS 2017 | Rhetoric and presentation skills in M.A. International Social Sciences (Development Studies), Friedensau Adventist University. |
2017 | Introductory Module: PhD Summer School on Mobile Livelihoods and Intersectional Perspectives with Kwaku Arhin-Sam, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. |
SS 2016 | Global Politics of Sustainability in M.A. International Social Sciences (Development Studies), Friedensau Adventist University. |
WS 2016 | Migration and Development, course in cooperation with Kino Burg and Polilux e.V. |
WS 2016 | Imagining and Understanding the “Other”: Cooperation projects with a school close to FAU as part of Interkulturelle Woche Burg, Sachsen-Anhalt. |
2016 | Introductory Module: PhD Summer School on Intersectional & Feminist Perspectives on Land Commodification with Kwaku Arhin-Sam, University of Cape Coast, Ghana. |
SS 2015 | Land, Gender and Development in M.A. International Social Sciences (Development Studies), Friedensau Adventist University. |
WS 2012 | Gender und Ressourcenpolitik im B.A. Gender Studies, Zentrum für Transdisziplinäre Geschlechterstudien, co-taught with Julia Rometsch. |
Voluntary Engagement and Interests
Since 2001 | Oil Painting
2016 | Teske – Schule Notunterkunft
2007 – 2011 | Board of Trustees, OWEN e.V. – Mobile Academy for Peace and Gender Democracy, Berlin
2008 – 2011 | Member of Steering Committee, German Women’s Security Council
2008 – 2011 | Founder temporarity
German | Mother Tongue |
English | Excellent |
Italian | Intermediate speaking, low writing skills |
French | Intermediate speaking, low writing skills |
Serbo-Croatian | Good comprehension only |
Nyangatom | Basic communication |