Martin Luther’s view of the future of the world

31. Jul. 2024

Just published and highly topical: Martin Luther's view of the future of the world

In June 2024, the Publishing House „Istochnik Zhizni" ("Source of Life") on the Campus of the Adventist University in Zaokskiy (near Tula, Russia) published a book on Martin Luther's eschatology. The work is entitled Мартин Лютер о будущем мира ("Martin Luther on the Future of the World"). The author is Daniel Heinz, Ph.D., Adventist theologian and church historian with close ties to Friedensau serving as the director of archives and lecturer their.

"The fact that this work was published against the backdrop of the current tense political situation is remarkable and should not be taken for granted. The book also represents the only monograph in Russian that is dedicated in detail to this special topic", according to the author. The book not only examins the personal salvation through Jesus Christ, but also looks into the future, when the world will be transformed to the second coming of Christ.

"Modern Luther research, according to Daniel Heinz, "has shown that Luther wanted to be nothing else than an interpreter of the biblical world with ist prophetic emphasis and global hope (Text: Andrea Cramer).

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Just published and highly topical: Martin Luther's view of the future of the world
Image rights: Friedensau Adventist University | Daniel Heinz, Ph.D.