Klezmer Concert in Friedensau with “Bohai” from Berlin
23. Jan. 2023
On Saturday evening, January, 28, 2023, a Klezmer concert with the ensemble "Bohai" took place in the Friedensau Chapel. "Bohai" is a klezmer and world music band from Berlin that performed Yiddish folk music that evening in Friedensau. The three band members – normally there are four – played a wide range of klezmer: from melancholy ballads to fast-paced pieces full of joie de vivre.
The organiser of this concert was the Berlin-Mitteldeutsche Vereinigung (BMV) of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Department of Church Development, which organised it as part of the 11th "School of Life" symposium, which took place in Friedensau from 27 to 31 January 2023. Its programme consisted of two parts, as Marc Gunnar Dillner, Head of the Department of Church Development, explained: "The first part of the symposium, from 27 to 29 January, was intended to clarify basic questions about starting and running a school of life. This part of the symposium was deliberately aimed at volunteers from the congregations. The second part, from 29 to 31 January, focused on exchange and sharing experiences in the organisation of a 'school of life'. On Monday, Andreas Bochmann, professor at the Friedensau Adventist University, gave a lecture on the topic of 'Family as a reflection of our society - a common longing, very different constellations', which provided valuable impulses. Further information via: http://www.forum-lebensschule.eu/symposium/.

Photo: FAU | Andrea Cramer