Information regarding ACA and Covid-19
15. Mar. 2020
Friedensau Adventist University partners with Adventist Colleges Abroad (ACA) and has been privileged to have many wonderful students from American universities attend the German course in Friedensau. Sadly, the situation with the pandemic has developed so quickly that ACA felt the need to urgently call all students in the ACA program home. We are saddened that we have to cut the year short for them and say good-bye to our American students! Thank you for being here and enriching our campus life! We will miss you very much!
Classes resume on Monday, March 16th, after spring break, for the remaining students who are not in the ACA program.
Here is the information provided by ACA, to be found on their website:
Posted to the ACA website: 3/13/2020
Please kindly take note of this distinction- Due to Italy closing its borders, it was a necessity for ACA to evacuate our students from Italy . No other country (where we have a program) has officially closed their borders as of today. Thus the call for all students to return home does NOT fall under our evacuation protocol.
Government issued mandates are unpredictable and are quickly affecting the possibility of returning home earlier. ACA wants all students to come home, as we do not want any students to be left behind. (…)
Our students’ safety and well-being is our top priority, and under the current circumstances and uncertainty of borders closing, we see no other option but to call all students to return home. ACA will not be responsible for any student choosing otherwise. All the remaining ACA programs are closed for the rest of the academic year 2019-2020. (…)
IMPORTANT: Students returning from all programs abroad have to self-quarantine as soon as they arrive home.
God is a master at miracles and we are sure each student, traveling home at this time, will be accompanied by a host of angels. We are praying for all our students and appreciate your prayers too.