Forest run for a good cause – Waldlauf für den guten Zweck
April, 27, 2025 in Friedensau
A warm welcome to the page of the „Waldlauf für den guten Zweck – Forest run for a good cause“. We are very excited about your interest in our work. The next „Waldlauf“ will take place on April, 27, 2025, 3–5 pm, in Friedensau. Browse through old memories on our page or register for the upcoming “Waldlauf “- as a runner or sponsor.
In 2024, the donations will go to the children's and youth fire departments of Möckern. They do a great job in promoting young people and at the same time ensure the next generation of firefighters. As fire department work in Germany is largely organized on a voluntary basis, your donation will help to contribute to the safety of us all.
1.30 – 2.30 p.m. Registration for runners, late registration for not yet registered runners
3.00 p.m. Start Run for a Good Cause
5.30 p.m. Presentation of certificates
We are looking forward to seeing you.
Your „Waldlauf“-Team
A project by our Student Council Friedensau

We are looking for your suggestions for future projects
For the 2025 Forest Run (and following years), we are looking for project(s) to advocate and fundraise for. Do you have any suggestions which project would be a good fit? Would you like to apply with your own project? You can submit your suggestions to us via our suggestion form.
If you have any questions, please contact us at .
By April 24, 2025 the latest
Subsequently only directly on the day of the event on site
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is the “Waldlauf” – Forest Run?
The „Waldlauf für den guten Zweck“ (Forest Run for a Good Cause) is a charity run organized by the students of the Friedensau Adventist University on a voluntary basis.
What is the purpose of the „Waldlauf” – Forest Run?
The study programs offered at FAU all have a social orientation. The students would like to do something good for the environment and support the local community with the „Waldlauf“ - Forest Run.
What is the hygiene concept?
The hygiene concept will be developed close to the day of the run, adapted to the epidemic situation and the applicable laws (changes reserved).
Forest running takes place outdoors; no other legal requirements apply.
How can my project be supported?
The decision about projects to be supported is made by the FAU student council. You are welcome to introduce yourself to us by mail or via the contact form on the website. We will consider you for the next „Waldlauf“ – Forest Run.
How can I participate in the run?
Simply sign up via the registration form, by E-mail, or via available sign-up sheets. Everyone is welcome, whether as a runner or as a sponsor. We are also happy to have additional helpers on site to make the run run smoothly.
I don't have a sponsor, can I still run?
Yes. We have been able to gain some companies as sponsors, which we will allocate to runners without a sponsor.
When do I have to have registered by?
Please register by April 13, 2023.
How do I find a sponsor?
Anyone can be a sponsor. Your own company, grandma, best friend, class teacher, your own pocket money. You can sponsor yourself, for the psychological effect it makes sense to have another person sponsor you.
Do the donations really reach the cause?
100% of the donations are given to the projects. Since the run is organized on a voluntary basis and material costs are covered by other funds, we are able to pass on the entire donation amount.
Can I just donate without running myself?
Of course. There are always runners who do not have sponsors. Every contribution helps, feel free to contact us.
What happens with the donations?
After all donations are received, we will send them to the projects, where they will use them at their own discretion.
When do I have to have transferred the amount I have raised by?
Please transfer until April 23, 2023.
Where should I transfer my donation?
To the account of the Friedensau Adventist University.
Friedensauer Hochschul-Stiftung Bank für Sozialwirtschaft
(Friedensau University Foundation Bank for Social Economy)
IBAN: DE53 8102 0500 0001 485400
Intended purpose: Forest Run Friedensau + Runner's name
Without an intended purpose the donation cannot be used.
The run
Are only children allowed to run the children's course?
The children‘s route is basically open to everyone. Whether parents with strollers, seniors with walkers or physically handicapped persons – everything is possible. We only ask that you remain fair to your sponsors and carefully consider whether the children's route is necessary for you.
Why is there no “Dorffest” village festival this year? Wasn't there always otherwise?
The village festival is not an integral part of the run. This year it could not take place on this date for various reasons.
I am suddenly sick on the day of the run, what happens now?
As a sponsor, your personal appearance is not required at the run. As a runner, you are not obligated to do anything, but we would still appreciate the planned donation.
Will my speed be measured professionally?
We can‘t promise it. Since we work purely on a voluntary basis, we rely on support in this regard. We will do our best to organize an appropriate technique.
Are there beverage stations along the run?
Water stations will be available along the course.
How long is the run?
The running time is two hours. It is possible to stop sooner. Please remember: No one should go beyond their personal strength.
After the run
Will showers be available?
After the run you will get the possibility to take a shower. Please bring your own Shampoo.
What will I get as a "thank you" for my participation?
Every participant gehts an certificate for his participation, where we fill in the gaps he/she was running.
Will there be food?
Everybody can buy food in the Ladencafé. A part of the money they will also donate to the projects.
Can I promote and advertise for my company at the run?
For sponsors there is the possibility of an promotional mention during the event in Friedensau (April 24, 2022) and optionally the mention in a newspaper article. The design of the advertising is relatively flexible. Promotional banners, T-shirts or any other promotional items appropriate to a sporting event can be used. In this regard, please contact the event director (Kathrin Taraba) to discuss further details. Furthermore, sharing or announcing the event to co-workers, friends, relatives, etc. is encouraged. Sponsors are free to participate in the charity run themselves.
Can only companies be sponsors?
No, anyone who wants to may donate.
Any questions?
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
History of the Waldlauf
- Supported Project: Children's and youth fire departments of Möckern
- Main Organizer: Kathrin Taraba and Matej Lukšić
- Donations Collected: 5.750 Euro | Handover of donations
- Supported Project: Workshop for disabled people | Zabakuck Zoo
- Main Organizer: Kathrin Taraba and Matej Lukšić
- Donations Collected: 3.409,50 Euro | Handover of donations
- Supported Project: „Kinder- und Jugendhaus Lüttgenziatz und Frauenhaus Burg“ – Children‘s Home Jerichower Land; Women‘s shelter Burg
- Main Organizer: Kathrin Taraba
- Donations Collected: 3.000 Euro | Handover of donations
- Supported Project: „Evangelische Grundschule Burg“ – Protestant Primary School Burg
- Main Organizer: Christian Menn
- Donations Collected: 7.500 Euro – Handover of donations
- Supported Project: Sozialkaufhaus Burg
- Main Organizer: Christian Hübler
- Donations Collected: 7.000 Euro
- Supported Project: „Sprachcafé“ – Language Café at SKZ Burg
- Main Organizer: Samuel Kubesch
- Supported Project: „Kindertagesstätte Regenbogen“ – Children‘s Day Care Center – Regenbogen
- Main Organizer: Nils Podziemski
- Supported Project: „Kinderclub International“ – Children‘s Club
- Main Organizer: Bastian Bak