Lecture Series 5 „Flourishing“
Aula | 7 p.m. | Live via video screen
Friedensau Adventist University | Aula | An der Ihle 2 | 39291 Friedensau
and online via Zoom.
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Prof. Dr. Miroslav Volf: Self-transcendence – How does the spiritual dimension contribute to flourishing?
"Self-transendence – How does the spiritual dimension contribute to flourishing?"
11 December 2024 | 7 p.m.
Prof. Dr. theol. Miroslav Volf (Yale University)
Prof. Miroslav Volf sees human life as being guided at the lowest level by habits (autopilot mode), at the next level by efficiency (strategic mode), followed by a personal vision (self-aware mode) and finally, at the highest level, by the truth outside of oneself (self-transcendence mode). Considering these perspectives, personal well-being and a flourishing life require a level of existentiality to produce tangible good life experiences and allow for a recognition of the spiritual dimensions of the human experience.
The lecture will be held in English language. A translation into German will be provided on site.
If you participate via Zoom, the lecture will be transmitted in German.
Participation via Zoom
Miroslav Volf
(*1956) studied Protestant theology in Osijek (Croatia) and at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena (California). From 1979 to 1991, he taught at the Protestant Theological Seminary in Osijek, first as a lecturer and later as Professor of Systematic Theology. In 1986, he completed his doctorate in theology under Jürgen Moltmann at the University of Tübingen. This was followed in 1994 by his habilitation under Jürgen Moltmann at the University of Tübingen. In 1997 he became Professor of Systematic Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary; in 1998 at Yale Divinity School in New Haven (Connecticut), a position he still holds today.

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Image rights: FAU