
18. Dec. 2018

Three donation checks handed over

On December 18, 2018, the Friedensau Pottery Club could hand over three donation checks: two checks with a value of €1,500 each were given to the "Kinderhospiz Magdeburg" and the "Hospiz im Luisenhaus".
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16. Dec. 2018

Traditional Christmas Singing

As in recent years, some musicians and singers from Friedensau invited people to the Traditional Christmas Singing on one of the last Advent weekends before Christmas.
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11. Dec. 2018

Movie “Fatigue Society” with panel discussion in Friedensau

On Monday, December 10, 2018, the movie "Fatigue Society", based on the book by Byung-Chul Han, was shown in the assembly hall (Aula) of Friedensau Adventist University.
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09. Dec. 2018

Advent concert in Friedensau

On Friday, December 7, 2018, Friedensau Adventist University invited for a musical introduction to Advent and Christmas in the chapel.
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29. Nov. 2018

Public disputation

On November 28, 2018, the public examination of Darja and Marcel Schneider took place in the Otto Lüpke Building.
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27. Nov. 2018

University-certified continuing education program completed

The last module is completed. Congratulations! On November 27, 2018, the university-certified continuing education program "Nursing Management" ended after 9 modules and 4.5 years of joint learning.
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26. Nov. 2018

Roofing ceremony on the campgrounds of Friedensau

The construction progress on the campgrounds of Friedensau is obvious.
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25. Nov. 2018

Women’s Pottery Club organizes a bazaar in Friedensau

On Sunday, November 25, 2018, the 19th Pottery Bazaar took place in the event barn in Friedensau. As every year, the proceeds will be donated to charitable institutions.
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20. Nov. 2018

10-year anniversary of Friedensau Kindergarten

On November 20, 2018, Friedensau Kindergarten (Kita), run by the city of Möckern, hosted a little party in the event barn in Friedensau to celebrate its ten-year anniversary.
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19. Nov. 2018

Talk on “The Economy of Sabbath” by Prof. Franz Segbers

On Wednesday, November 14, 2018, Prof. Franz Segbers (Marburg) gave a talk on "The Economy of Sabbath" in the assembly hall (Aula) of Friedensau Adventist University.
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