
09. Apr. 2020

CoronaNews from 9.04.2020

#No lecture-free time during Ascension week #Shabbat Shalom and Sabbath #Students' Council Easter special #Shopping trips #Postcard action #Happy Easter
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06. Apr. 2020

CoronaNews from 6.04.2020

#Reflection 14 days restriction #Meeting under the word #Preaching tests postponed #88% lessons take place #Occupational safety training course cancelled #Ihle-bridge closed
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03. Apr. 2020

CoronaInformationen from april 3, 2020

#Prolongation of contact restriction #Fines #Shabbat shalom #Bible talk and worship on the Sabbath #Cards for residents #Carephone BMV #grocery shopping
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25. Mar. 2020

Daily CoronaInformation 25.03.2020

#2-SARS-CoV-2 ContainmentVO LSA #Cafeteria operation - breakfast and dinner #StuZ #ShabbatShalom #Phone list
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25. Mar. 2020

Attention – March 26 and 27 the telephone system will be changed.

Important information regarding the university telephone system: On  March 26 and 27 the telephone system will be changed.
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23. Mar. 2020

Corona-Information from March 23, 2020

#Initial restriction of the State of Saxony-Anhalt #information on curriculum planning #invitation BuW-Stream Wednesday 9:45 am #cancellation of the daily prayer circle 7:00 a.m. #house groups #shopping service #foreseeable development for tomorrow
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23. Mar. 2020

CampusNet course planning

We make every effort to maintain the teaching activities. We try to present information about the timetable in CampusNet within the scope of technical possibilities. There are three general options:
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22. Mar. 2020

Corona-Information from March 22, 2020

#Timetabling #Call to prayer for today 12 a.m. #Foreseeable development for tomorrow
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22. Mar. 2020

CoronaInformation from 20.03.2020

#ShabbatShalom #Sabbat #Courses starting next week #SocialService
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17. Mar. 2020

Implementation of the SARS-CoV-2 containment regulation

today, the State of Saxony-Anhalt issued the SARS-CoV-2 Containment Bylaw with effect from 18 March to 19 April 2020 inclusive. The following arrangements for implementation are made:
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Andrea Cramer

Telephone: +49 (0) 3921 916-127

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