
27. Jul. 2020

B.A. programme to be reorganised

In a few months, it will be time: On October 5, 2020 the new academic year will begin in Friedensau. It is also the start of a newly established B.A. degree course in theology.
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27. Jul. 2020

Postponed to 2021_Language Course in Greek

Postponed to the year 2021+++The Institute for Languages at the Friedensau Adventist University (FAU) offers a language course in Greek on the Friedensau campus from 7 September to 2 October 2020. It is designed for beginners and advanced students.
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17. Jun. 2020

Encounter under the word – with Dr. László Szabó

True theology changes people, and through changed people the world changes.
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17. Jun. 2020

Corona pandemic – bridging aid for students in emergency situations

The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Deutsches Studentenwerk (DSW) announce that the grant for students in acute need can be applied for from 16 June 2020.
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05. Jun. 2020

Corona KfW Student Loan

The KfW Student Loan is a low-interest loan (until 31 March 2021 0.00% if your loan is in the disburse¬ment phase), which is used to cover your living expenses.
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05. May. 2020

CoronaNews from 5.05.2020

#5th regulation from the State of Saxony-Anhalt #Library #Teaching #Use of space for network access #Childcare center #Playground #Meeting under the word #Scholarships for volunteers at Corona Aid
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30. Apr. 2020

CoronaNews from 30.04.2020

#May 1st Holiday (Labor Day) #Development Corona / Stay tuned! #Mensa #Events on the weekend
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24. Apr. 2020

CoronaNews from 24.04.2020

#Employment protection and hygiene #Psychosocial stress #No block weeks in May #Mask duty #Events at the weekend
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22. Apr. 2020

CoronaNews from 22.04.2020

#Mask duty in Saxony-Anhalt #Presentation teaching only possible from 3 May
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17. Apr. 2020

CoronaNews vom 17.04.2020

#4th SARS-CoV2 Bylaw of the State of Saxony-Anhalt #Library #Employment protection #Our weekend offers #Cards for the old people's home residents #Shopping service
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Andrea Cramer

Telephone: +49 (0) 3921 916-127

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