
01. Dec. 2020

The first door in the “Advent Calendar” is open

Traces in Advent! From today on every day a door in the "Advent Calendar" will be opened.
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24. Nov. 2020

Bridge released for use

District Administrator Dr. Steffen Burchhardt today released the newly built bridge on the K1006 before Friedensau for use.
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16. Nov. 2020

Spiritual week online “God and you”

on 16 November began the Spiritual week online "God and you" – an event from Monday to Friday, 16 to 20 November 2020, daily from 7:30 to 8:00 pm. During this half hour two people was interviewed...
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16. Nov. 2020

Friedensau gives children in Tanzania access to education

A little more than 10 years ago, an Adventist elementary school for children in the Massai region was founded in Karao. For many years, the ThHF, the German and Tanzanian Adventist churches have supported the work on site through personal commitment.
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10. Nov. 2020

Public lecture “5 Years of Sea-Watch – No Reason to Celebrate”

The Department of Christian Social Work invited to a public lecture on 5 November 2020 about Zoom. The speaker was Ruben Neugebauer from Sea-Watch e.V. The lecture was held in English.
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02. Nov. 2020

EUD Executive Committee decides on future pastor training

In its autumn meeting of November 1, 2020, the Executive Committee of the Inter-European Division of Seventh-day Adventists (EUD) decided on further steps for a reorientation of the training of pastors.
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23. Oct. 2020

FAU offered COVID19 tests

After the outbreak of Corona on campus, the university today offered free COVID19 tests to Friedensauer students, employees and staff. In order to prevent the virus from spreading further, the schoolchildren from Friedensau as well as the employees a
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16. Oct. 2020

Covid-19 meets Friedensau

A group of 30 international students was in Göttingen for five days from 5 October 2020 for study purposes in order to conduct a social analysis in the so-called Iduna Center as part of their Master's program.
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15. Oct. 2020

MTS students visited the Naumburg Cathedral

Lecturer Johannes Hartlapp went on another excursion on October 15th: He visited the city of Naumburg and the famous Naumburg Cathedral with MTS students.
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14. Oct. 2020

Outstanding students receive prizes

Committed and successful graduates and students receive prizes: the DAAD Prize, the Savings Bank Prize, the Waltraud and Herbert Blomstedt Prize for Theology, the Waltraud and Herbert Blomstedt Prize for Music.
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Bild der THH Friedensau


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Andrea Cramer

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