
27. Apr. 2021

International Symposium began

On Monday, April 26, 2021, the 4th International Symposium of the Institute for Adventist Studies began - as an online event. It will be held under the theme "The Kingdom of God is at hand! - Adventist interpretations of biblical apocalyptic".
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22. Apr. 2021

Lecture by Simret Mahary

On April 21, 2021, a lecture as Advanced training was held with Simret Mahary on "Recognizing and Overcoming Racism. Steps towards a good coexistence". The lecture was part of the course in the theology program.
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21. Apr. 2021

First event on “Ethical Humanitarianisms”.

The Friedensau Institute for Evaluation at the ThHF (FIFE) and the Institute for Humanities at the University of Cape Town (HUMA) agreed earlier this year to collaborate on "Ethics in Humanitarian Aid" ("Ethical Humanitarianisms").
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20. Apr. 2021

Commemoration of Ruth Scholz (1935–2021)

Friedensau Adventist University remembers Ruth Scholz, the last superior of the Friedensau Sisterhood. She passed away on April 9, 2021.
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15. Apr. 2021

“Entknoten” introduces itself to students

On April 14, 2021, the association "Landesnetzwerk Migrantenorganisationen in Sachsen-Anhalt" (LAMSA) presented CSW students with their options and assistance for experienced racism and discrimination in society.
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07. Apr. 2021

B.A. student reports on experience

On April 6, 2021 our student Melissa Dost (B.A. Social Work) talks about her study and internship experiences during the pandemic in a report in the Newspaper Burger Volksstimme.
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25. Mar. 2021

Panel discussion: A Democracy in Reverse?

For March 24, 2021, the Department of Christian Social Work invited to a panel discussion. On the topic of "A Democracy in Reverse? On Myanmar's History, the Legacy of the Revolution and the Current Crisis;" renowned international experts spoke.
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22. Mar. 2021

Teams 1Year4Jesus in Friedensau

Since March 15, 2021, the 1Year4Jesus teams from Nuremberg and Herne have been our guests in Friedensau. They are supervised on site by Dittmar Dost.
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16. Mar. 2021

Summer semester started

At the beginning of the summer semester, a group of international students were newly enrolled. These students are primarily enrolled in the M.A. courses International Social Sciences and Development Studies (online).
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10. Mar. 2021

Illustrated book published: Friedensau in watercolors

The grandson of Hermann Kobs, Karl-Hermann Leukert, published watercolors of his father Karl Leukert, which he painted in and around Friedensau in the years 1958 to 1971.
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Bild der THH Friedensau


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Andrea Cramer

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