
15. Jun. 2021

Farewell to student employees of the library

University library Director Raul Cervantes and his counter team said goodbye to long-time student employee Sarah Quinger at a breakfast together in the university cafeteria. She will soon be graduating with a degree in social work ...
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14. Jun. 2021

ISS study group analyzes data

Students from the M.A. International Social Sciences program, enrolled in the course, Participatory Planning Management and Evaluation of Development Projects, undertook a field study from June 7 to June 11, 2021...
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07. Jun. 2021

Alumni reunion 2021 online

This year's alumni reunion was held on June 4-5, 2021 via Zoom. It was nice to see each other again, even if it is incomparably better to exchange ideas directly with each other...
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03. Jun. 2021

Public Lecture “Human Rights in Theory and Practice”

On Monday, May 31, 2021, 7:00 p.m., a lecture as part of the English language lecture "Human Rights in Theory and Practice" by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Simone Emmert, LL.M.Eur. was held as part of the Master's program in International Social Sciences.
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26. May. 2021

Experts face the topic “Ethical Humanitarianisms”

The Friedensau Institute for Evaluation (FIFE) and the Institute for Humanities in Africa (HUMA) presented the second topic of the discussion series "Ethical Humanitarianisms" on May 25, 2021. The focus was "Ethical Humanitarianisms: Kindness...
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05. May. 2021

Board of Trustees confirms Prof. Fischer as Rector

Roland Fischer, Rektor

At its spring meeting, the Board of Trustees of Friedensau Adventist University unanimously elected the current rector, Prof. Dr. Roland E. Fischer unanimously for a further term of five years.
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29. Apr. 2021

Day 4 of IAS-Symposium

On the fourth and final day of the symposium, held online since April 26, speakers addressed the following topics: J. Rosario: "Apocalypticism and Political Engagement," Roland E. Fischer: "Preaching Apocalyptically," ...
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29. Apr. 2021

Media return system inaugurated

Starting April 29, 2021, readers of the Friedensau University Library will be able to return their borrowed books and digital media outside of opening hours. A new media return system makes it possible.
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28. Apr. 2021

Third day of the symposium

On the third day of the four-day Symposium, speakers addressed the following topics: Clansi Rogers: "Fear versus Hope: Fictional Adaptations of Adventist Eschatology"; Denis Kaiser: "Ellen G. White's and M. L. Andreasen's clashing...
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27. Apr. 2021

Second Day of online IAS-Symposium

At the beginning of the second day of the symposium Kayle B. de Waal gave a lecture: "The hour of his judgment has come!"; afterwards Ross Winkle: "The interpretation of the number of the beast"; Johannes Hartlapp: "Prophetic arithmetic"...
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