
04. Oct. 2021

Academic year begins with enrollment

Today, October 4, 2021, the winter semester 2021/22 at Friedensau Adventist University (FAU) began with enrollment. With an address, the rector, Prof. Dr. phil. Roland Fischer, welcomed the new students ...
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03. Oct. 2021

Language course Hebrew successfully completed

The Institute for Languages at Friedensau Adventist University (FAU) offered a language course "Biblical Hebrew" from September 5 to October 1, 2021. It was designed for beginners and advanced students.
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01. Oct. 2021

Film »Africa Paradis« and Discussion

On September 29, 2021, the Film Club of the Friedensau Adventist University (FAU) and the Burger Verein Weitblick e.V. invited to the cinema in Burg. The film "Africa Paradis" by Sylvestre Amoussou was shown.
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01. Oct. 2021

Chancellor bids farewell to Head of Marketing Department

Yesterday, Chancellor Tobias Koch bid farewell to outgoing Director of Marketing and Public Relations Szilvia Szabó with flowers and a heartfelt thank you on behalf of the staff. After seven years, Szilvia Szabó is relinquishing her leadership ...
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29. Sep. 2021

Junior Professor Simone Emmert after farewell at TH Nuremberg

Rector Prof. Roland Fischer bid farewell to Junior Professor Simone Emmert. The lecturer in social work law is leaving Friedensau Adventist University to take up a professorship in family law and child and youth welfare law at the Georg Simon Ohm ...
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27. Sep. 2021

FAU participates in intercultural week

From September 26 to October 3, 2021, "Intercultural Weeks" will take place in Jerichower Land as well as throughout Germany. Friedensau Adventist University(FAU) is participating with three events.
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23. Sep. 2021

German as a Foreign Language course began

Since September 21, 2021, the new participants of the German as a Foreign Language course at the ThHF have been learning the pitfalls and subtleties of the German language. They come from Belgium, Brazil, Burundi, India ...
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22. Sep. 2021

Lecturer Dr. Laszlo Szabo speaks at mission congress in Debrecen

On September 18, 2021, the missionary congress "Ki a sótartóból" ("Out of the Salt Shaker") was held in Debrecen (in the eastern part of Hungary). About 500 people participated in the congress.
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20. Sep. 2021

Singing Festival in the Arena

As a conclusion of the hymn project, a "Singing Festival" took place in the arena on Saturday, 18.09., 18.00. Enthusiastic singers from the north of Germany came together for one day in the Arena Friedensau.
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15. Sep. 2021

Summer School Music Therapy took place

From August 30 to September 2, 2021, Summer School »Auf-Takt« took place at the Institute for Music Therapy at Friedensau Adventist Universiy. Prof. Dr. Petra Jürgens and Dr. Regina Lorek taught the basics of Music Therapy.
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Bild der THH Friedensau


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Andrea Cramer

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