
16. Dec. 2021

Rector presents certificate of appointment

On December 15, 2021, Rector Prof. Roland Fischer presented the new Equal Opportunity Officer Linda Reinicke with her certificate of appointment. Linda Reinicke received the majority of the votes cast in the election process.
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14. Dec. 2021

Lecture: “Colonialism – the past in the present”

For Monday, December 13, 2021, the School of Social Work invited to a lecture in the Barn. Prof. Reinhart Kößler, visiting professor of sociology at the University of Education in Freiburg and former director ...
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09. Dec. 2021

Why do people volunteer?

The Arthur Daniells Institute of Mission Studies (ADIMIS) at Friedensau Adventist University hosted "ADIMIShare," an interactive online lecture, from 7 to 8 p.m. Wednesday evening, December 8, 2021. Dr. László Szabó, lecturer in missiology ...
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08. Dec. 2021

Chaplain Dittmar Dost visited Adventist University in Italy

From November 30 to December 2, 2021, Dittmar Dost, Chaplain at Friedensau Adventist University, and other members of the "Adventist Accrediting Association" (AAA) visited "Villa Aurora" in Florence, the Adventist University in Italy.
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08. Dec. 2021

Final session “Ethical Humanitarianisms”

The Friedensau Institute of Evaluation (FIFE) and the Institute for Humanities in Africa (HUMA) hosted the final event of the "Ethical Humanitarianisms" discussion series on December 7, 2021. Participating as subject matter experts were:
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22. Nov. 2021

Novelist Titus Müller reads in library

The FAU invited to a reading with Titus Müller for Friday, November 19, 2021, in the university library. On the occasion of the nationwide reading aloud day, Titus Müller read from his work "Staunen über das Glück im Unscheinbaren"...
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16. Nov. 2021

Burger Roland Gymnasium collects donations for Tanzania

On Monday, November 8, 2021, student representatives of the Burger Roland-Gymnasium, with Thomas Dreher, the director of the school, and Ralf Sieber, teacher of geography and history, handed over a donation check in the amount of 5,000 euros ...
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15. Nov. 2021

Dr. Johannes Hartlapp spoke about Napoleon Bonaparte

On November 14, 2021, church historian Dr. Johannes Hartlapp gave a lecture at the University Library on the 200th anniversary of Napoleon Bonaparte's death. In addition to the most important biographical stages – 1769 to 1821...
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15. Nov. 2021

Evangelical Lutheran Church made a stop in Friedensau

On November 11, as in past years, pastoral vicars of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK) made a stop in Friedensau to listen to a lecture on the pastoral care of marriages together with students of the university ...
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10. Nov. 2021

Prof. Spiegler involved in research network

Prof. Dr. Thomas Spiegler, Dean at the School of Social Work, together with three colleagues from the USA and Canada, organized and chaired the "ICHER Home Education Research Conference 2021" ...
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