
01. Mar. 2022

Lecturer published book on the basic training

Lecturer Dr László Szabó published in Hungarian the book on the basic training course for small group leaders: "Együtt a körben – A kis csoportok aktualitása és müködése" (in English: Meeting in Small Groups).
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24. Feb. 2022

»Wellness for the Soul« – Lectures with Dr. László Szabó at HopeTV in Romania

Post-announcement: From 13 to 19 February 2022, László Szabó held an evangelistic series "Lelki Wellness", translated as "Wellness for the Soul". It could be followed via Speranta (Hope)-TV in Romania, on YouTube and Facebook.
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22. Feb. 2022

School of Theology invited to a Disputation

On February 21, 2022, the School of Theology invited to a disputation on a church-historical topic: "In affliction you made wide space for me" – on the history of the Moscow Adventist Church 1904–1914.
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15. Feb. 2022

ThHF Alumnus successfully completes Doctorate

Charles Hategekimana, a 2011 graduate of the M.A. program in International Social Sciences at Friedensau Adventist University (FAU), successfully completed his Ph.D. at the University of Kassel on February 14, 2022.
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13. Feb. 2022

ADIMIS Training for Small Group Leaders in Romania finished

A Training for Small Group Leaders in Transylvania (Romania) concluded on February 2, 2022. About 250 participants started at the Arthur Daniells Institute of Mission Studies (ADIMIS) ...
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11. Feb. 2022

67th International Migration Conference online from Friedensau

The 67th AWR International Migration Conference was held on February 9-10, 2022. The theme of this conference was "Global Migration: trans-cultural, trans-disciplinary and intersectional perspectives".
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19. Jan. 2022

University presents the exhibition »Signs and Wonders«

From January 16 to February 15, 2022, the library of Friedensau Adventist University presents the exhibition »Signs and Wonders«.
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18. Jan. 2022

FAU hosted an Interdepartmental Discussion

On Wednesday, January 12, 2022, the FAU hosted an interdepartmental discussion group on the book „Revolutionäres Christentum. Ein Plädoyer“ by Jürgen Manemann took place.
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02. Jan. 2022

Study theology free of tuition fees in Friedensau

A decision by the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany makes it possible: starting in the Summer Semester of 2022, it will be possible to study Theology (B.A. in German Language) in Friedensau without paying tuition fees.
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22. Dec. 2021

Peaceful Christmas!

If we recall the past year, the desire for good health was probably the most frequently heard. We realized how important it is – as well as how important togetherness and solidarity with each other is.
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Andrea Cramer

Telephone: +49 (0) 3921 916-127

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