CoronaNews from 6.04.2020
06. Apr. 2020
- Reflection 14 days restriction
- Meeting under the word
- Preaching tests postponed
- 88% lessons take place
- Occupational safety training course cancelled
- Ihle-bridge closed
Reflection 14 days restriction
Today we are already living with the restrictions for 14 days. The apartment may only be left in regulated exceptional cases and if so, then only in pairs at most. We will probably have to live with it for a while. Most people comply with the restrictions, but we would like to encourage you once again to take the rules really seriously and to comply with them. And we would like to expressly thank you for the fact that so far it has mostly worked well. Thank you very much.
At this point, please use the cafeteria where all measures to prevent infection are implemented and do not use the tea kitchens, especially not together.
Meeting under the word
On Wednesday we will stream the weekly devotion of the university with english translation again.
Click here: - "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death" (Mk. 14:34) - with Andreas Bochmann.
Preaching tests postponed
Unfortunately, the Preaching tests, which were scheduled for 12th May, have to be postponed. The catch-up date is probably at the end of the semester (end of June / beginning of July)
88% of lessons take place
It is very pleasing that after initial adaption periods, 88% of teaching can now take place in digital forms. A thank you to all teachers and students.
Occupational safety training course cancelled
The occupational safety training course, which was planned for 15.04., was cancelled. The next one is scheduled for November 2020.
Ihle bridge closed
The Ihle Bridge will be closed to car traffic from 14.04. until probably 31.10. 2020. Pedestrians & cyclists can cross the Ihle via a temporary bridge.