CoronaNews from 24.04.2020
24. Apr. 2020
- Employment protection and hygiene
- Psychosocial stress
- No block weeks in May for parttime-students
- Mask duty
- Events at the weekend
Work safety and hygiene
Even though we all know it already: Hygiene is one of the essential factors for breaking the chains of infection - because an important factor in the question of infection is the viral load, i.e. the concentration of the viruses. The better the hygiene rules are observed, the lower the concentration.
Wash your hands, keep your distance and reduce contact. We ask you not to let up. The enclosed operating instructions summarize the most important points again.
Psychosocial stress
We would like to point out that we have the following contact persons for psychosocial stress: Renate Dost, Dittmar Dost, Andreas Bochmann. If you have the need to talk about your challenges, please contact them.
No block weeks in May
The Rectorate has decided that in May no attendance events for part-time courses of study can take place. This means that the block weeks will also take place online. The students concerned can obtain specific information from the course directors.
Mask obligation
We would like to remind you once again that for all journeys on public transport and in all shops (including the shop café in Friedensau) it is necessary to wear a mouth and nose protector. The university will provide all employees and students who do not yet have a mask with one. Please register for this by email at ">
Events at the weekend
Shabbat Shalom - We cordially invite you to Shabbat Shalom on Friday at 19:30. Eleana Seban will speak on the topic "Blessing and being of blessing". Here is the link to participate , password was send by mail.
Sabbath - #digitalekirche: As always, we have a digital offer for you this Sabbath. Click into it and join us from home! ??
Livestream | BIBLE in dialogue (10:00 am): Discuss with us via youtube and listen to Christian Menn's sermon "The Third Man":
The sermon will not be translated this time. Instead you will find an English language service program starting at 11am under with John Okpechi. Before that, as always, the English language Bible study group will take place via zoom: password was send by mail.