CoronaNews vom 17.04.2020

17. Apr. 2020

  1. 4th SARS-CoV2 Bylaw of the State of Saxony-Anhalt
  2. Library
  3. Employment protection
  4. Our weekend offers
  5. Cards for the old people's home residents
  6. Shopping service
4th SARS-CoV2 bylaw of the State of Saxony-Anhalt

Since yesterday there is a new regulation of the state of Saxony-Anhalt concerning the current corona situation  The initial restrictions will remain in place until 3rd of May. There is an exemption regulation for the operation of higher education institutions, which, however, first has to be concretized by the Ministry of Science of the State of Saxony-Anhalt. We therefore assume that next week's teaching will continue to take place completely as distance learning. However, we ask all students to check CampusNet daily to find out the location and type of courses.


The 4th bylaw LSA allows us to make the library accessible to university members again. From Monday (20.4.) you can enter the library with your transponder and use the library like before. The hygiene conditions and distance rules must be strictly observed.

Employment protection

The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of Saxony-Anhalt yesterday set new standards for occupational health and safety  We will evaluate the workplaces in the coming week. If you have any questions or suggestions for improving occupational safety at your workplace, please contact Tobias Koch directly.

Our offers for the weekend

Today: Shabbat Shalom - Dittmar invites you to Shabbat Shalom tonight at 19:30. Christoph Till holds the devotional service on the topic "Rest+Relationship+Promise=Sabbath" in English. Sabrina Nern will translate into German. You can participate here:

Afterwards Christoph Till invites you to the Bible Talk at 8:30 pm: Start your browser and enter the following address - or download the app "Jitsi Meet" on your smartphone or tablet, start it and enter "biblenow" as the conference name.

Sabbath: Sabbath School - We cordially invite you to an interactive Bible discussion at 10:00 am with Dittmar Dost in English

From 11:00 a.m. there will be a sermon "The Lord is truly risen" with Johannes Hartlapp. Here you can participate. From 10:00 am is a bible-study in german.

Cards for the residents of the retirement home

We would like to remind you once again of our campaign to send a card greeting to the residents of the retirement home. So far 2/3 of the residents have already received encouragement and a greeting. We would be happy if we could also send cards to the other 40 residents. You can get the cards at the Kanzlei.

Shopping service

On Monday and Thursday we will shop again. Those who have a shopping list can hand it in in front of Silvia Szabo's office (MEN 2nd floor).

At this point, a big thank you to the hard-working volunteers in the shopping service and food distribution!

Bild der THH Friedensau
© Romolo Tavani –