CoronaNews from 22.04.2020
22. Apr. 2020
- Mask duty in Saxony-Anhalt
- Presentation teaching only possible from 3 May
Mask obligation in Saxony-Anhalt
Yesterday, the first amendment to the 4th SARS-CoV2 Containment Ordinance was published, requiring everyone to wear a "textile barrier in the sense of a mouth-and-nose protection" when using buses and trains and when entering shops.
Such a mouth protection can also be a scarf or cloth. As FAU, we want to provide at least a mouth and nose protector to every member of the university who does not yet have one. Please contact us at "> if necessary. Michelle Koch and her sewing team will then start with the production of the masks. When the masks are ready, you will receive an email and can pick them up during the opening hours of the administration. Please follow the enclosed cleaning instructions!
Employees who cannot keep the minimum distance during work should use disposable masks until further notice. Jenny Menn organizes the procurement of the masks centrally.
Presence teaching only possible from 3 May onwards
The Ministry of Science has announced that it will not allow exceptions for classroom teaching until 3 May. Until then, a guideline will be developed and issued together with the universities, which will define the permissible exceptions to the "digital semester", which in principle will continue to be "digital". It is therefore to be assumed that this week and next week all courses will still be offered in online mode and that only in 10 days individual courses will also take place in the classroom. Please refer to the current information in CampusNet - in the field "Room".