Daily CoronaInformation 25.03.2020

25. Mar. 2020

  1. 2-SARS-CoV-2 ContainmentVO LSA
  2. Cafeteria operation - breakfast and dinner
  3. StuZ
  4. ShabbatShalom
  5. Phone list

The 2nd SARS-VoV-2 Containment Order of the State of Sachsen-Anhalt has been in force since 0:00 am today. This specifies the initial restriction of Sunday and replaces the first containment Order. You can find it here in English: 2. SARS-CoV -2 EindämmungsVO EN

The content doesn't change much compared to the regulation before. The most important statement is in § 18: "Everyone is urged to reduce physical contact with other people outside the members of their own household to an absolutely necessary minimum. Wherever possible, a minimum distance between two persons of 1.5 metres is to be maintained". This regulation is valid until 5.04.2020.


According to § 4 of the 2nd SARS-VoV-2 Containment Ordinance, "restaurants" must be closed. A cafeteria is not a restaurant and in agreement with the Jerichower Land Health Office the cafeteria can remain open for university members. This is possible in order to avoid cooking and eating together in the kitchens of the student dormitory. The cafeteria is closed to the public. At this point we want to ask you: If you want to avoid shopping, you can also get breakfast and supper from the cafeteria. Anyone who has ideas for the meals is welcome to share them with our cook Alexander Helmeke. We will be happy to accommodate you.


Unfortunately, the StuZ cannot be operated even in a restricted manner until 5.04.


Friday evening, 19:30 there will be a spiritual event for the beginning of the Sabbath. On which digital platform this will take place will be decided tomorrow. We will give more details on Friday.


By Mail we send the students on campus the internal telephone list of the students. Maybe you have time and want to call each other - campus internal free of charge. This list is not intended for the public and may not be passed on.

Remains connected

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