Information for persons in quarantine + + + Status 20.10.2020

We regret that you have to be in quarantine among our students due to the Covid-19 outbreak and hope that the disease does not break out among you and that you will soon be fit again.

Please follow the roles also in your room:

Wash your hands regularly
Coughs and sneezes into disposable tissues or the crook of your arm
Disinfects door handles and other surfaces that are frequently touched
Avoids contacts; keeps them low
Wear masks when receiving food.
Keep the quarantine also among themselves.

How long must I stay in quarantine?

If you are infected, you will know after about 5 to 6 days until the symptoms of the disease appear. Sometimes it can take up to 14 days. The quarantine lasts 14 days.

Important: If a quarantine has been officially established, it must be officially lifted again.

Persons who undergo a Covid-19 test because of symptoms are quarantined at least until the test result is available.

I have tested positive; what happens after that?

If the course of the disease is mild, the patient may be kept in quarantine at home; if the course of the disease is more severe, hospitalization will be necessary.

We are currently clarifying with the health authorities what the further testing strategy will be. All those tested are requested to draw up a contact list immediately. Contacts are all persons with whom one has been together for more than 15 minutes, with whom one has had contact for a shorter period without a mask and/or without a minimum distance. Those tested positive must report their contact list to the Health Department. Iris Müller or Martina Lucke receive the lists (also for forwarding).

Which symptoms are considered Covid-19 symptoms?

Symptoms can be similar to a "normal" cold, such as fever, dry cough, tiredness or fatigue, sore throat, headache and aching limbs, rarely conjunctivitis, loss of sense of taste or smell, skin rash. Severe symptoms include difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure, loss of speech or movement (according to Info

What should I do if I think I am infected with Covid-19?

The coronavirus is mainly transmitted by droplet infection. According to the Robert Koch Institute, smear infection (via contaminated surfaces) and infection via the conjunctiva of the eyes are theoretically also possible. According to current findings, more than 80 percent of the diseases are comparatively mild.

Care and help in cases of illness with and without symptoms, in quarantine

Students and employees of the ThHF in quarantine can contact Renate Dost if they need symptom counselling/treatment or if their state of health deteriorates.

Students and employees who are experiencing symptoms for the first time should contact Iris Müller, Martina Lucke and/or Renate Dost. Students and employees with questions regarding accommodation and care should contact Iris Müller.

If you think you have been infected with the coronavirus, you should

■ Stay at home and pick up the phone. Either

■ Call Iris Müller, Martina Lucke and/or Renate Dost

■ Call your family doctor or the

■ Medical on-call service: ☎ 116 117.

There are also other places for information by telephone:

■ The independent patient consultation: ☎ 0800 - 011 77 22

■ A citizen telephone at the Federal Ministry of Health: ☎ 030 - 346 465 100

Additional information and notes:

1.please no cooking in the rooms

Students in quarantine are provided with a warm meal and sufficient food for breakfast and dinner. Please note the ban on cooking in the room - we do not want to risk clearing the quarantine by a fire alarm. Also the FFw of the village and the surrounding villages, which will move out in case of an alarm, should not be put at risk due to negligence.

2. please ventilate rooms sufficiently

Please make sure that the rooms are well ventilated and that the common areas are left clean.

3. shopping service via the LadenCafé

Procurement of things of the personal need takes place over the store café. Shopping requests are to be sent to Szilvia Szabo by Sunday 12:00 and Tuesday 12:00.

4. whatsApp group for quarantined persons

For people in quarantine, there is a WhatsApp group by Dittmar Dost. Anyone who would like to be admitted there can contact him via WhatsApp.

5. three times a week prayer and house group via Zoom

Mon. Wed. and Fri. at 18:15 there is a ZoomMeeting to be there for each other and to pray together.

What else should I consider during an ordered quarantine?

Separate accommodation within the family
Regular airing
Temporally and Separate meals at different times and places
Use common rooms individually
Clothes, towels, laundry at least 60 degrees
No shaking hands or hugging
Use disposable handkerchiefs and dispose of them separately in a garbage bag

Leaflet Quarantine:

Further information can be obtained from the following sources: (DE)