Concert by Matthias Gehler
27. Jan. 2020
“Wenn Gedanken Flügel hätten” (If thoughts had wings) was the title of the concert by Matthias Gehler that took place on Saturday, January 25, 2020 in the chapel of Friedensau. For several years now, Matthias Gehler has been touring around with old and new songs. He earned great applause in Amsterdam, Berlin, and other historical sites, such as the Haus der Geschichte in Bonn, and now also in Friedensau.
Matthias Gehler played the guitar and performed together with a small band: with piano and harmonica; in one song also with an additional guitar. He read his own texts from the book of the same name himself and showed his special affinity for the written word. The concert “Wenn Gedanken Flügel hätten” (If thoughts had wings) was organized by the Church Development Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Berlin-Central Germany and was part of the 8th symposium of the project “Lebensschule” (life school).

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