
09. Jul. 2024

Online information days on studying Social Work

Friedensau Adventist University is offering online information on a total of five dates for Bachelor's Study Program in Social Work (in German).
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04. Jul. 2024

Cooperation between Friedensau and Babcock University (Nigeria)

In line with the start of the Bachelors International Social Work program, Friedensau Adventist University, represented by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Roland Fischer, signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Thursday, June 20, 2024, with Babcock University,
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24. Jun. 2024

Cooperation Agreement between University and Local Project Partner in Serbia

Prof. Dr. Roland Fischer, Rector of Friedensau Adventist University, and Igor Mitrović, Director of ADRA Serbia, signed a Memorandum of Understanding in a joint video conference on 17 June 2024.
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18. Jun. 2024

Public Lesson with Lance Gould “Storytelling”

The School of Social Sciences, in Project Management course, led by Dr. phil. Annette Witherspoon, invites interested parties to a workshop on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, from 4 to 6 p.m., in room LÜP 112.
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06. Jun. 2024

Study trip to Croatia 2024

This year, the students of the third semester of the MA Development Studies program worked together with ADRA ...
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06. Jun. 2024

Lecturer Dr. Jill Blau at Oxford University

As part of my research stay, lecturer Dr. Jill Blau gave a lecture at the University of Oxford on June 4, 2024 on the topic: “Interdependencies, Care and Commoning.
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22. May. 2024

Cooperation with the University of Sulaimani

At the beginning of May 2024, Prof. Ulrike Schultz and Dr. Jill Philine Blau travelled to the University of Sulaimani, in the Autonomous Region of Kurdistan in Iraq.
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06. May. 2024

Public Lecture with Adityo Darmawan Sudagung

The Master Program Development Studies is inviting you for a public lecture. The lecture will take place in the Aula from 7 to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, May,  14, 2024.
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13. Mar. 2024

Ulrike Schultz publishes in “Peripherie”

Prof. Ulrike Schultz and her colleague Prof. Daniel Bendix – both of whom teach at Friedensau Adventist University in the School of Social Sciences – are members of the journal's editorial team; Prof. Ulrike Schultz is also a member of the team...
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01. Mar. 2024

All degree programs at FAU accredited for another eight years

In 2023, the degree programs at Friedensau Adventist University underwent the quality control process required at regular intervals to maintain state accreditation.
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14. Jan. 2024

Friedensau lecturers and students are on the move

On Sabbath, January 27, 2024, lecturers and some students from Friedensau Adventist University will visit nine different Adventist churches in Frankfurt and the surrounding area.
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Andrea Cramer

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