
14. Nov. 2023

»Week of Spiritual Emphasis«

"Pause for a moment. Place yourself under God's word. Reflect on life." From November 6 to 11, the students and their guests at Friedensau Adventist University celebrated the Week of spiritual emphasis 2023 under the theme "On the Way with Jesus."
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08. Nov. 2023

The Friends of Friedensau International e.V. met

The traditional meeting weekend of the "Freundeskreis Friedensau International" e.V. (FFF) association took place from October 27 to October 29, 2023. Around 70 members of the association had registered for the conference and were delighted ...
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27. Oct. 2023

Visit from Babcock University

A group of students from Babcock University (Nigeria) visited Friedensau Adventist University from October 23–27, 2023. The ten 3rd and 4th year Nigerian students are enrolled at Adventist Babcock University in History and International Studies.
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10. Oct. 2023

New academic year opened at the FAU

On Monday, October 9, 2023, enrollment took place at Friedensau Adventist University for the winter semester 2023/24. In a ceremony in the chapel at Otto-Lüpke-Haus, Rector Prof. Dr. phil. Roland E. Fischer, on behalf of the university management ...
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30. Jul. 2023

Interesting topics in University newspaper 2-2023

Die Hochschulzeitung der Theologischen Hochschule Friedensau in neuer Ausgabe.

Issue 2-2023 of the university newspaper "Unser Friedensau" has just been published. What does it say?
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03. Jul. 2023

Academic year ended ceremoniously

The 2022/23 academic year ended at Friedensau Adventist University (FAU) on Saturday, July, 1, 2023, with a festive service.
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21. Jun. 2023

Mario Alfaro (BFD) honoured with integration award

On 21 June 2023, a wide variety of projects, associations and initiatives were awarded the Integration Prize of the State of Saxony-Anhalt. At a ceremony in Magdeburg, Minister of Social Affairs Petra Grimm-Benne, State Secretary Susi Möbbeck, ...
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09. May. 2023

Lecture “Human Ecology in the Culinary Culture of the Thais”

Vortrag „Humanökologie in der kulinarischen Kultur der Thais“ | Theologische Hochschule Friedensau

The School of Social Science invited to a public lecture with Dr. Tung-Hoa Dang on Tuesday, 9 May. As part of the "Week of Cultures", which will take place from 7 to 14 May 2023 at Friedensau Adventist University ...
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07. May. 2023

Team of lecturers from the FAU presented “images” for work in the congregations

A group of around 30 participants stayed in Friedensau for the training weekend of the Religious Education Institute (RPI) from 21 to 23 April 2023. They took part in the RPI continuing education, course 1, which had the ...
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05. May. 2023

This was the Week of Cultures 2023 in Friedensau

Woche der Kulturen 2023 | Theologische Hochschule Friedensau

From May, 7 to 2 2023, the students of Friedensau Theological College invited to a Week of Cultures. Several events were planned for this. The kick-off was a football tournament on Sunday, May, 7, 2023, on the football pitch "An der Ihle" ...
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Andrea Cramer

Telephone: +49 (0) 3921 916-127

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