
10. Jul. 2024

Insight into Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry Study Program

On Thursday, July 11, 2024, at 4 p.m., Friedensau Adventist University (FAU) will provide an insight into the "Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry" (MPM) Theology Study Program.
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09. Jul. 2024

Online information days on studying Social Work

Friedensau Adventist University is offering online information on a total of five dates for Bachelor's Study Program in Social Work (in German).
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06. Jun. 2024

District Jerichower Land reads the German Constitution

On May 23, 2024, the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany celebrated its 75th birthday. It forms the basis for the coexistence of all citizens in Germany. Article 1, paragraph 1 “Human dignity is inviolable. It is the duty of all state ...
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14. May. 2024

“Week of Cultures” from May 19 to 26, 2024

From May 19 to 26, 2024, the students of Friedensau Adventist University are inviting you to a "Week of Cultures". As every year, several events are planned:
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25. Apr. 2024

Friedensau post office closes – and reopens elsewhere

On April 30, 2024, the postal agency in the Friedensau store café will close – and reopen at a different location on the same day.
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08. Apr. 2024

Week of Spiritual Emphasis from April 8, 2024

From April 8 to 13, 2024, Friedensau Adventist University invites you to the Spring Week of Emphasis 2024. The theme is: "In harmony with the work of Jesus: Living under the Word".
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26. Mar. 2024

Be there! Forest Run for a Good Cause on 21 April 2024 in Friedensau

For Sunday, April, 21, 2024, 3.00 to 5.00 pm, the students of Friedensau Adventist University invite you to the "Forest Run for a Good Cause". While the running shoes have been in their winter quarters for some time, it is time to get going again.
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13. Mar. 2024

Concert with Yoora Lee-Hoff and Christian Scheel

Friedensau Adventist University invites you to a concert in a class of its own on Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 7.30 pm, in the Friedensau Chapel, An der Ihle 5, 39291 Möckern-Friedensau.
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01. Mar. 2024

All degree programs at FAU accredited for another eight years

In 2023, the degree programs at Friedensau Adventist University underwent the quality control process required at regular intervals to maintain state accreditation.
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13. Feb. 2024

First events to mark the town’s anniversary »125 years«

On January 14 and February 11, 2024, the first events were held in Friedensau to mark the "125 Years of Friedensau" anniversary.
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30. Jan. 2024

Concert evening with pianist Ronny Kaufhold on February, 3

On Saturday, February 3, 2024, 7.30 pm, a piano concert with the Genthin concert pianist Ronny Kaufhold will take place in the Friedensau Chapel, An der Ihle 5.
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Andrea Cramer

Telephone: +49 (0) 3921 916-127

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