We ask for your donationIcon

We ask for your donation

We would like to renew the cafeteria for our students and would appreciate your support!

Donate now for the new cafeteria!


To provide a well-balanced diet for staff, students, and guests is the goal of our cafeteria, which offers a full range of meals including breakfast, lunch, and dinner on around 360 days a year. A rich salat buffet, diverse vegetarian meals made of high-quality and preferably fresh food, and a comfortable dining room are characteristics of our cafeteria. Upon request, we will also serve meals that meet the requirements of specific diets, such as vegan or gluten-free diets.

The price for breakfast and dinner is based on your actual consumption. Lunch is € 2.905.00, depending on the menu. A bowl of salad is € 1.20, a small plate of salad is € 2.50, and a large deep plate of salad is € 4.00. Students get a discount of 15% on the stated prices. If the minimum turnover of € 100 is reached within 28 days, the customer gets a credit in the amount of € 10. Cashless payment is made by transponder and charged to the customer's credit account. The credit account may be recharged either directly at the cafeteria checkout or at the administration desk. For a grown-up, a monthly charge of € 200 is to be expected.

Sven Blankenburg

Head of Cafeteria

Telephone: +49 (0) 3921 916-178
Fax: +49 (0) 3921 916-120

An der Ihle 19
39291 Möckern-Friedensau

Monday  to Sunday 07:30 to 09:00 a.m.

Monday to  Friday 12:15 to 13:30 p.m.
Weekends and Bank Holidays 12:15 to 13:15 p.m.

Monday to Sunday  5.30 to 6.30 pm

External groups of 5 or more are requested to register in advance if possible.

Subject to change!