Book publication “Adventists and Military Service”
06. Aug. 2019
The authors give an overview of the Adventist and general Christian position on military service in history as well as considerations from a pastoral point of view and reflections on the topic of military service in the Bible. It turns out that Adventists have been war-critical right from the very beginning and, despite differentiating positions within their ranks, the originally non-violent attitude (mostly referred to as "noncombat standpoint") can be combined with the Biblical-Christian ethos most likely. An extensive bibliography on Adventists and war/violence/military as well as an overview of several dozen Adventist announcements complement the book. Among the authors are several employees of Friedensau Adventist University (FAU): Stefan Höschele, Kerstin Maiwald, Andreas Bochmann, Daniel Heinz.
Frank M. Hasel, Barna Magyarosi, and Stefan Höschele (ed.): Biblical, Historical, and Ethical Perspectives. Madrid: Safeliz, 2019.