Experience Bogenhofen
04. Dec. 2023 / Learning & Studying
It was finally time again! After difficulties finding a date and Covid-related interruptions, the traditional Friedensau-Bogenhofen exchange could take place again. This time it was the turn of us Friedensau students to visit Bogenhofen. More than half of all theology students made the long journey of 700 km, which shows how much interest there was. 19 students and two small children, two teachers and the university's chaplain visited Bogenhofen Castle Seminary from November 22 to 26, 2023 and spent some intensive and inspiring days there.
It all started on Wednesday with an evening to welcome everyone and get to know each other. Friedensau thanked us warmly for the invitation and handed out gifts to the students and teaching staff, which were gladly accepted. On Thursday and Friday mornings, we had the opportunity to choose from a variety of lectures and thus experience authentic teaching together with the Bogenhofen students. The excursion to Salzburg on Thursday afternoon was very exciting. Quote from our car on the way there: "Mountains! There are mountains! Look at the beautiful mountains! They're much higher than the Harz!" [Yep. That was me.]
On Friday afternoon, there was time to discuss previously submitted questions and topics in a structured manner. To this end, we used the concept of a delegates' meeting with lists of speakers, time limits, interposed questions and much more. In addition to the good and open exchange in terms of content, we were able to get to know and try out the concept of the delegates' meeting as future pastors. This format also gave us the opportunity to address controversial topics and prejudices, some of which could be dispelled.
We began the Sabbath with a joint start to the Sabbath with students and pupils from the boarding school. A Bible quiz with mixed groups was a lot of fun. The Sabbath passed quietly. After the service, the free afternoon gave us plenty of time for personal exchange. On the Sabbath evening, we were able to have another personal and in-depth conversation over delicious hot dogs in the "Saftladen" (a communal room for students where snacks are sold).
In the many personal conversations, whether on the excursion, in the canteen or in between, friendships were forged and many questions were asked and discussed. The overall feedback on the exchange was consistently positive.
On Sunday morning, there was a closing event with interesting topics and the handover of the baton, because: The Bogenhofeners will be visiting us next time!
"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another" (John 13:35). [Text on the baton]
Kathrin Taraba, theology student
All photos: Friedensau Adventist University