Inner devoutness and interpersonal relationships in the mission
30. Nov. 2023 / Events / Learning & Studying
From 16 August to 7 September 2023, a group of theology students from the Friedensau Adventist University (FAU) travelled to Karao (Tanzania) with their lecturer László Szabó. They were accompanied by a group of pupils and teachers from Burger Roland-Gymnasium and some students from other universities. Their focus was on the practical application of what they had learned in the previous months. Theology student Damir Šuper describes the experiences he had.
Our team consisted of participants from six different countries, different cultures and a variety of ages. Each of us perceived and reacted differently to what we encountered: drought, misery, lack of running water, illiteracy, the "African understanding of time". But these were precisely the opportunities to experience God, his presence and his blessing.
Constant prayer kept me going
It was only with God's help that I was able to preach a motivational sermon every day and visit people in their desperate situation. The same would have been impossible if I had not systematically set aside quiet time every day for God's Word and constant prayer. I went to sleep praying, woke up praying and continued to pray as I travelled from A to B. That's what kept me going.
Missiology in its most practical way
This mission trip was a condensed teamwork experience of pastoral care and evangelism, where each member depended on a genuine connection with God. These are circumstances where there is no acting. If there is, it is only with God's help. And that is exactly the spiritual preparation that every future pastor needs. That is why I recommend that future pastors take part in such a project trip. Our lecturer László Szabó is an excellent mentor and project leader, with a broad view of things and a deep understanding of African culture. With his knowledge, experience and information, he helped us to bridge the gap between our unrealistic ideas and the unexpected harsh reality.
Pupils and teachers from Burger Roland-Gymnasium participated
The unique cooperation with Burger Roland-Gymnasium is particularly worth mentioning in this context. It was surprising and highly motivating for all of us to see how these high school students, who have neither an Adventist education nor a Christian background, put themselves wholeheartedly at the service of the needy and voluntarily participated in an Adventist aid program. Their enthusiasm and selfless commitment can be an example to many of us. But there is more to it. This is the way mission is done today. Instead of inviting people to come and sit in the pews and be entertained, we want them to join us in serving others. In this way we become true and really close friends and share the gospel in its best form by working together ... I would like to thank everyone, especially the Friedensau congregation, for supporting our work and giving us the opportunity to grow personally on this trip to Tanzania.
I thank God, who watched over us all so that no one got seriously ill or injured, and who blessed us with the experience of how beautiful and safe it is to work when he guides us, protects us and gives us what we need.
Damir Šuper, student on the Master of Pastoral Ministry program

Photo: ThHF | Szilvia Szabó