
18. Dec. 2023 / Campus Living

Hanukkah surprises in the university library

The team at the university library came up with a few surprises for the younger members of the Friedensau community to mark the Jewish festival of Hanukkah.
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01. Dec. 2023 / Campus Living

Campaign “Children Help Children!”

On World Children's Day, September 20, ADRA Germany, the Adventist Development and Relief Agency, launched its annual "Children Help Children!" campaign.
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30. Nov. 2023 / Campus Living

Graduation ceremony in Friedensau

One of the most enjoyable celebrations in Friedensau is the graduation ceremony that takes place in autumn.
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30. Nov. 2023 / Campus Living

Dieter Leutert: A defining personality for Friedensau

Dieter Leutert is undoubtedly one of the very special personalities who shaped the Friedensau Preachers' Seminary and later the Friedensau Theological Seminary during the period of divided Germany.
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24. Jul. 2023 / Campus Living

Soccer & music from all over the world

Every year in May, the students and their guests in Friedensau celebrate the Week of Cultures. Several activities were hosted from 7 to 14 May 2023. The first activity was a soccer tournament on 7 May 2023 on the soccer field "An der Ihle".
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17. May. 2023 / Campus Living

Friedensau mourns the death of Helmut Weber (1934–2023)

Helmut Weber (1934–2023) | Theologische Hochschule Friedensau

Brother Helmut Weber was born in Bessarabia on July, 20, 1934. The war brought his parents and their six children to Central Germany. Helmut Weber was baptised in Halle/Saale in June 1953.
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17. Mar. 2023 / Campus Living

37 years of service for Friedensau – Rüdiger Schröter

Friedensau is not primarily an institution, it is above all the people who shape this place. Some come here only briefly to study or spend the last years of their lives here. For others Friedensau is more ...
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