B.A. programme to be reorganised
27. Jul. 2020
In a few months, it will be time: On October 5, 2020 the new academic year will begin in Friedensau. It is also the start of a newly established B.A. degree course in theology. Starting in 2020, students will have the opportunity to work as pastoral assistants in practical church work after completing their studies and receiving their Bachelor's degree. This change has an effect on the transfer of knowledge during the course of studies and its structure.
Pastors are urgently needed in the German speaking congregations. The university is responding to this need by converting the Bachelor's degree course in theology. This means that the desired, necessary and indispensable skills for entering into practical training are already imparted in the first three years of study, so that young theologians are well prepared for their work in the parishes after a relatively short period of study. Learning the ancient languages Greek and Hebrew is indispensable for prospective theologians. The acquisition of languages should be made easier and also receive a stronger practical orientation. After two years of professional experience as a pastoral assistant, the way is clear for the extra-occupational master's degree in theology or the full-time master's degree. Both ways to the master's degree are supported by the church leaders.