53 runners started at the forest run for a good cause
19. Apr. 2023
Perhaps it was due to the rainy weather that the number of runners remained manageable this year. On the other hand, the atmosphere was excellent, the course was a little longer and – it ran through the forest ... On Sunday, April, 16, 2023, the seventh forest run for a good cause took place in Friedensau under the patronage of District Administrator Dr Steffen Burchhardt. The procedure has been the same since 2014, when the first forest run took place: every runner who wants to take part in the forest run registers via the website, indicating whether they are their own or who their sponsor is. For each lap run, the specified amount of money is then transferred to the donation account within a week or the runner's own piggy bank is emptied. 33 adults and 20 children took part in the 2023 forest run. The running lap length this year was 2.5 km in the adult lap and 600 m in the children's lap. Two firefighters from the Friedensau volunteer fire brigade ran with breathing apparatus, which was quite a challenge. But all the runners gave their best! After two hours the race was over. The award ceremony took place after a short count and the completion of the certificates. On the winners' rostrum (in the adult classification) were in 1st place: Samuel Ramirez Juarez and Sebastian Weber (nine laps each). In 2nd place with eight rounds each: Jennifer K., Vanessa W., Fred Zöllner and Patrick Mihani; in the children's ranking in 1st place Nathanael Cervantes, Jonathan Menn, Jan Lindtner and André Müller (19 children's rounds each), 2nd place: William Müller (with 13 rounds) and in 3rd place Joshua Menn (12 children's rounds).
The students of the Friedensau Adventist University (FAU) are the initiators of the forest run. The Zabakuck Zoo, which provides work for people with disabilities and runs the zoo with them, was chosen as the project to support for this charity run. The director of the zoo, Juliane Reimann, announced in advance that the proceeds would be used for an excursion for the employees and part of the money would be used to renovate the prairie dog enclosure.
The next forest run for a good cause will take place on Sunday, 21 April 2024.

Photo: FAU | Andrea Cramer

Foto: FAU | Michael Bistrovic

Photo: FAU | Michael Bistrovic

Photo: FAU | Michael Bistrovic

Photo: FAU | Andrea Cramer

Photo: FAU | Michael Bistrovic

Photo: FAU | Michael Bistrovic

Photo: FAU | Michael Bistrovic

Photo: FAU | Michael Bistrovic