36 graduates successfully complete their studies
16. Oct. 2023
On October 15, 2023, the ceremonial presentation of the Bachelor's and Master's certificates took place at Friedensau Adventist University. 36 graduates received their certificates from the hands of the two deans of the university, Alexander Schulze, Ph.D., for Theology and Prof. Dr. Thomas Spiegler for the School of Social Sciences. Georg Remmert, managing director of the Advent-Wohlfahrtswerk retirement homes in Friedensau and Berlin-Steglitz, gave the graduation ceremony address. He gave the graduates a "toolbox" of acquired competencies to take with them on their way, which will enable them to become active for their fellow human beings from the midst of society in the future. According to Georg Remmert, this realizes the maxim: "For the whole law is fulfilled if you keep the one commandment: 'Love your neighbor as yourself' (Galatians 5:14)."
Six students completed their German- or English-language master's degrees as M.A. Theology or Master of Theological Studies. Thirty students graduated in Social Work, as Bachelor of Social Work (one graduate), Master of Arts Counseling (four graduates) and Master of Arts International Social Sciences (25 graduates).
Ten students graduated in absentia. They are already working at their assignment sites in Ghana, Myanmar and Switzerland, but also in Germany.
During the award ceremony, Prof. Thomas Spiegler presented the award of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) for outstanding achievements of foreign students to Moyosoreoluwa Olamide Agbojo (Master International Social Sciences).
From the hands of Renate Dost, the secretary of the Friends of Friedensau International e.V. (FFF), Daniel Kwaku Agyenim-Boateng, a student in the Master's program in Development Studies, received the award of the Friends of Friedensau International e.V. for special commitment in the Department of Christian Social Sciences. Daniel is involved, among other things, in the management team of the Student Center and in the organization and design of the Week of Cultures.
Gennadi Giesbrecht, President of the Association of North Rhine-Westphalia, gave the welcoming speech of the SDA Church. He wished the graduates a place of service where they can do good, perform their service for people and pass on the peace of Jesus.
Dr. Johannes Hartlapp addressed the alumni with the university's word and quoted Dag Hammarskjöld in a groundbreaking way that learning will not stop in the future: "There is no one from whom you cannot learn." And, "Before the God who speaks in all things, you are always ABC's protector" (from: "Signs on the Way"). The commitment to lifelong learning cannot be formulated more aptly.
Words of thanks from former student speaker Daniel Sinda, student respons' by Harpreet Kaur (M.A. International Social Sciences) and Gabriel Agbojo (Master of Theological Studies) followed the greetings. After the prayer of sending by Chaplain Dittmar Dost followed the "Auf Wiedersehen" of the Rector, linked with the wish to stay connected as alumni with their Alma Mater Friedensau.
Guests from regional and local politics took part in the graduation ceremony: Dr. Steffen Burchhardt, District Administrator Jerichower Land; Doreen Krüger, Mayor of Möckern; Philipp Stark, Mayor of Burg; from the University of Applied Sciences of the Police in Aschersleben, Rector Thorsten Führing with wife, the President of the North German Association of the Church Johannes Naether and other guests.

Photo: Friedensau Adventist University
Friedensau was founded in 1899 and celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2024. It is home to Friedensau Adventist University, a state-recognized university sponsored by the Free Church of Seventh-day Adventists. Ten B.A. and M.A. degree programs – some of which are part-time, online or part-time – are available in the departments of Christian Social Work and Theology: https://www.thh-friedensau.de. Prospective students can register for taster days and get to know life in the lecture hall and on campus.