Episode 3: Ethical Humanitarianisms: Power, Aid and Dignity
23. Jun. 2021
Friedensau Institute for Evaluation (FIFE) and the Institute for Humanities in Africa (HUMA) presented the third topic of the discussion series "Ethical Humanitarianisms" on June 22, 2021. The focus was on "Ethical Humanitarianisms: Power, Aid and Dignity." Presentations were made by Olumide Abimbola (Executive Director, Africa Policy Research Institute, Germany) and Merlin Ince (Resource Mobilization Consultant, WHO Partnership for Maternal Newborn and Child Health, Geneva, Switzerland).
The Ethical Humanitarianisms discussion series brings together leaders and sociologists to present ethical, humanitarian, philanthropic, funding, development and financing opportunities in a world of conflicting ethics and contradictions. The FIFE website has more about the project: Friedensau Institute for Evaluation / Study and further education at Friedensau Adventist University (thh-friedensau.de).